TEAS-V7 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
The ATI TEAS v7, or Test of Essential Academic Skills, is designed specifically to assess a student's preparedness entering the health science fields. The ATI TEAS test is comprised of 170 questions set up in a multiple-choice format with four-option answers. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills you will need to perform in class in the areas of: Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage.
Reading Mathematics Science English and Language Usage
Number of Questions 53 36 53 28
Time Limit (Minutes) 64 min 54 min 63 min 28 min
Specific Content Covered Key ideas and details
Craft and structure
Integration of knowledge & ideas
Pre-Test questions Numbers and algebra
Measurement and data
Pre-Test questions Human anatomy & physiology
Life and physical sciences
Scientific reasoning
Pre-Test questions Conventions of standard English
Knowledge of language
Vocabulary acquisition
Pre-Test questions
Passing the TEAS is a key component of getting into nursing and allied health schools, but 30% of qualified applicants are turned away from ADN, Diploma and BSN programs. Since its a comprehensive exam, youll be tested on four different subject areas, so thorough preparation is crucial. We recommend allowing at least 6 weeks of preparation prior to taking the TEAS. On a tighter schedule- Dont worry – we have solutions that fit any timeline.
64 Minutes
Reading 53
Key ideas and details 22
Craft and structure 14
Integration of knowledge and ideas 11
Pre-Test questions 6
54 Minutes
Mathematics 36
Number and algebra 23
Measurement and data 9
Pre-Test questions 4
63 Minutes
Science 53
Human anatomy and physiology 32
Life and physical sciences 8
Scientific reasoning 7
Pre-Test questions 6
28 Minutes
English and Language Usage 28
Conventions of standard English 9
Knowledge of language 9
Vocabulary acquisition 6
Pre-Test Questions 4
TOTAL (209 Minutes) 170
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Test of Essential Academic Skills (Reading, Math,
English, Science) Ver. 7
Reading, Math, English, Science
The condition of rickets is associated with a deficiency in which vitamin?
A. A
B. C
C. D
D. Z
Answer: C
A steroid is considered a ______.
A. Lipid
B. Protein
C. Enzyme
D. Weak acid
Answer: A
The X cranial nerve is the ____ nerve.
A. Abducens
B. Hypoglossal
C. Facial
D. Vagus
Answer: D
Which of the following pH ranges is a strong base?
A. 1.3-2.0
B. 4.5-5.2
C. 7.1-9.0
D. 11.2-12.0
Answer: D
Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the systemic circulation?
A. Left Atrium
B. Right Atrium
C. Left Ventricle
D. Right Ventricle
Answer: C
Which of the following formulas indicates Newton's second law of motion?
A. F = ma
B. F = mva
C. v = d/t
D. p = mv
Answer: A
Math Problem Solving
Question: 71
The odds that Amit speaks the truth are 1:2 and the odds that Bunty speaks the truth are 2:3. What is the
probability that exactly one of Amit and Bunty is telling the truth?
A. 3/5
B. 4/15
C. 7/15
D. 4/7
E. 3/7
Answer: C
Question: 72
Meena has to eat only one fruit out of three. The probability that she eats a banana is 3/2 times the probability that
she eats an apple. The probability that she eats a guava is half the probability that she eats a banana. What is her
probability of having an apple?
A. 1/4
B. 4/13
C. 1/6
D. 4/7
E. 11/36
Answer: B
Question: 73
Four members are to be chosen from a group of 3 women and 4 children. Find the probability of selecting exactly
3 children.
A. 3/50
B. 12/25
C. 1/5
D. 12/35
E. 1/7
Answer: D
Question: 74
The probability of picking an apple from a basket is 0.25 and that of picking a rotten fruit is 0.50. The probability
of picking a rotten apple is 0.14. Find the probability that neither an apple is picked nor a rotten fruit is picked.
A. 0.75
B. 0.39
C. 0.25
D. 0.50
E. 0.61
Answer: B
Question: 75
There are five shirts of different colors and five pants of the same five colors. The shirts have to be matched with
the pants of same colors. Find the probability that all the five shirts and pants are matched correctly.
A. 1/3125
B. 3124/3125
C. 119/120
D. 1/120
E. 1/5
Answer: D
Reading Comprehension
Question: 96
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent American writer of the twentieth century. This passage comes from one of his
short stories and tells the story of a young John Unger leaving home for boarding school. John T. Unger came from
a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations. Johns
father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-
box to hot-bed," as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just
turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a
certain time, he was to be away from home . That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all
provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents.
Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midass School near BostonHades was too small to hold their
darling and gifted son. Now in Hadesas you know if you ever have been there the names of the more fashionable
preparatory schools and colleges mean very little. The inhabitants have been so long out of the world that, though
they make a show of keeping up-to-date in dress and manners and literature, they depend to a great extent on
hearsay, and a function that in Hades would be considered elaborate would doubtless be hailed by a Chicago beef-
princess as "perhaps a little tacky." John T. Unger was on the eve of departure. Mrs. Unger, with maternal fatuity,
packed his trunks full of linen suits and electric fans, and Mr. Unger presented his son with an asbestos pocket-
book stuffed with money. "Remember, you are always welcome here," he said. "You can be sure, boy, that well
keep the home fires burning." "I know," answered John huskily. "Dont forget who you are and where you come
from," continued his father proudly, "and you can do nothing to harm you. You are an Ungerfrom Hades." So the
old man and the young shook hands, and John walked away with tears streaming from his eyes. Ten minutes later
he had passed outside the city limits and he stopped to glance back for the last time. Over the gates the old-
fashioned Victorian motto seemed strangely attractive to him. His father had tried time and time again to have it
changed to something with a little more push and verve about it, such as "HadesYour Opportunity," or else a plain
"Welcome" sign set over a hearty handshake pricked out in electric lights. The old motto was a little depressing,
Mr. Unger had thoughtbut now. So John took his look and then set his face resolutely toward his destination. And,
as he turned away, the lights of Hades against the sky seemed full of a warm and passionate beauty. The tone of
sentence "their darling and gifted son" can best be described as
A. compassionate.
B. sincere.
C. sardonic.
D. dismayed.
E. understated.
Answer: C
Question: 97
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent American writer of the twentieth century. This passage comes from one of his
short stories and tells the story of a young John Unger leaving home for boarding school. John T. Unger came from
a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations. Johns
father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-
box to hot-bed," as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just
turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a
certain time, he was to be away from home. That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all
provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents.
Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midass School near BostonHades was too small to hold their
darling and gifted son. Now in Hadesas you know if you ever have been there the names of the more fashionable
preparatory schools and colleges mean very little. The inhabitants have been so long out of the world that, though
they make a show of keeping up-to-date in dress and manners and literature, they depend to a great extent on
hearsay, and a function that in Hades would be considered elaborate would doubtless be hailed by a Chicago beef-
princess as "perhaps a little tacky." John T. Unger was on the eve of departure. Mrs. Unger, with maternal fatuity,
packed his trunks full of linen suits and electric fans, and Mr. Unger presented his son with an asbestos pocket-
book stuffed with money. "Remember, you are always welcome here," he said. "You can be sure, boy, that well
keep the home fires burning." "I know," answered John huskily. "Dont forget who you are and where you come
from," continued his father proudly, "and you can do nothing to harm you. You are an Ungerfrom Hades." So the
old man and the young shook hands, and John walked away with tears streaming from his eyes. Ten minutes later
he had passed outside the city limits and he stopped to glance back for the last time. Over the gates the old-
fashioned Victorian motto seemed strangely attractive to him. His father had tried time and time again to have it
changed to something with a little more push and verve about it, such as "HadesYour Opportunity," or else a plain
"Welcome" sign set over a hearty handshake pricked out in electric lights. The old motto was a little depressing,
Mr. Unger had thoughtbut now. So John took his look and then set his face resolutely toward his destination. And,
as he turned away, the lights of Hades against the sky seemed full of a warm and passionate beauty. The "Chicago
beef-princess" can best be described as representing the Chicago upper class by way of which literary device?
A. Anachronism
B. Simile
C. Apostrophe
D. Metaphor
E. Neologism
Answer: D
Question: 98
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent American writer of the twentieth century. This passage comes from one of his
short stories and tells the story of a young John Unger leaving home for boarding school. John T. Unger came from
a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations. Johns
father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-
box to hot-bed," as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just
turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a
certain time, he was to be away from home. That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all
provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents.
Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midass School near BostonHades was too small to hold their
darling and gifted son. Now in Hadesas you know if you ever have been there the names of the more fashionable
preparatory schools and colleges mean very little. The inhabitants have been so long out of the world that, though
they make a show of keeping up-to-date in dress and manners and literature, they depend to a great extent on
hearsay, and a function that in Hades would be considered elaborate would doubtless be hailed by a Chicago beef-
princess as "perhaps a little tacky." John T. Unger was on the eve of departure. Mrs. Unger, with maternal fatuity,
packed his trunks full of linen suits and electric fans, and Mr. Unger presented his son with an asbestos pocket-
book stuffed with money. "Remember, you are always welcome here," he said. "You can be sure, boy, that well
keep the home fires burning." "I know," answered John huskily. "Dont forget who you are and where you come
from," continued his father proudly, "and you can do nothing to harm you. You are an Ungerfrom Hades." So the
old man and the young shook hands, and John walked away with tears streaming from his eyes. Ten minutes later
he had passed outside the city limits and he stopped to glance back for the last time. Over the gates the old-
fashioned Victorian motto seemed strangely attractive to him. His father had tried time and time again to have it
changed to something with a little more push and verve about it, such as "HadesYour Opportunity," or else a plain
"Welcome" sign set over a hearty handshake pricked out in electric lights. The old motto was a little depressing,
Mr. Unger had thoughtbut now. So John took his look and then set his face resolutely toward his destination. And,
as he turned away, the lights of Hades against the sky seemed full of a warm and passionate beauty. The phrase
"maternal fatuity", suggests that
A. John will not need linen suits and electric fans at St. Midass.
B. Johns mother packed frantically and ineffectively.
C. Johns mother was excessively doting.
D. John resented his mother packing for him.
E. John never enjoyed linen suits or electric fans.
Answer: A
Question: 99
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent American writer of the twentieth century. This passage comes from one of his
short stories and tells the story of a young John Unger leaving home for boarding school. John T. Unger came from
a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations. Johns
father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-
box to hot-bed," as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just
turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a
certain time, he was to be away from home. That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all
provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents.
Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midass School near BostonHades was too small to hold their
darling and gifted son. Now in Hadesas you know if you ever have been there the names of the more fashionable
preparatory schools and colleges mean very little. The inhabitants have been so long out of the world that, though
they make a show of keeping up-to-date in dress and manners and literature, they depend to a great extent on
hearsay, and a function that in Hades would be considered elaborate would doubtless be hailed by a Chicago beef-
princess as "perhaps a little tacky." John T. Unger was on the eve of departure. Mrs. Unger, with maternal fatuity,
packed his trunks full of linen suits and electric fans, and Mr. Unger presented his son with an asbestos pocket-
book stuffed with money. "Remember, you are always welcome here," he said. "You can be sure, boy, that well
keep the home fires burning." "I know," answered John huskily. "Dont forget who you are and where you come
from," continued his father proudly, "and you can do nothing to harm you. You are an Ungerfrom Hades." So the
old man and the young shook hands, and John walked away with tears streaming from his eyes. Ten minutes later
he had passed outside the city limits and he stopped to glance back for the last time. Over the gates the old-
fashioned Victorian motto seemed strangely attractive to him. His father had tried time and time again to have it
changed to something with a little more push and verve about it, such as "HadesYour Opportunity," or else a plain
"Welcome" sign set over a hearty handshake pricked out in electric lights. The old motto was a little depressing,
Mr. Unger had thoughtbut now. So John took his look and then set his face resolutely toward his destination. And,
as he turned away, the lights of Hades against the sky seemed full of a warm and passionate beauty. From the
conversation between John and his father in paragraphs 36, it can be inferred that John feels
A. rejected and angry.
B. melancholic but composed.
C. impassive and indifferent.
D. resigned but filled with dread.
E. relieved but apprehensive.
Answer: B
Question: 100
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a prominent American writer of the twentieth century. This passage comes from one of his
short stories and tells the story of a young John Unger leaving home for boarding school. John T. Unger came from
a family that had been well known in Hades a small town on the Mississippi River for several generations. Johns
father had held the amateur golf championship through many a heated contest; Mrs. Unger was known "from hot-
box to hot-bed," as the local phrase went, for her political addresses; and young John T. Unger, who had just
turned sixteen, had danced all the latest dances from New York before he put on long trousers. And now, for a
certain time, he was to be away from home. That respect for a New England education which is the bane of all
provincial places, which drains them yearly of their most promising young men, had seized upon his parents.
Nothing would suit them but that he should go to St. Midass School near BostonHades was too small to hold their
darling and gifted son. Now in Hadesas you know if you ever have been there the names of the more fashionable
preparatory schools and colleges mean very little. The inhabitants have been so long out of the world that, though
they make a show of keeping up-to-date in dress and manners and literature, they depend to a great extent on
hearsay, and a function that in Hades would be considered elaborate would doubtless be hailed by a Chicago beef-
princess as "perhaps a little tacky." John T. Unger was on the eve of departure. Mrs. Unger, with maternal fatuity,
packed his trunks full of linen suits and electric fans, and Mr. Unger presented his son with an asbestos pocket-
book stuffed with money. "Remember, you are always welcome here," he said. "You can be sure, boy, that well
keep the home fires burning." "I know," answered John huskily. "Dont forget who you are and where you come
from," continued his father proudly, "and you can do nothing to harm you. You are an Ungerfrom Hades." So the
old man and the young shook hands, and John walked away with tears streaming from his eyes. Ten minutes later
he had passed outside the city limits and he stopped to glance back for the last time. Over the gates the old-
fashioned Victorian motto seemed strangely attractive to him. His father had tried time and time again to have it
changed to something with a little more push and verve about it, such as "HadesYour Opportunity," or else a plain
"Welcome" sign set over a hearty handshake pricked out in electric lights. The old motto was a little depressing,
Mr. Unger had thoughtbut now. So John took his look and then set his face resolutely toward his destination. And,
as he turned away, the lights of Hades against the sky seemed full of a warm and passionate beauty. Johns
meditation on the towns sign in the passage serves primarily to suggest a contrast between
A. Johns love of Victorian things and his fathers love of modern things.
B. his fathers commercialism and Johns sentimentality.
C. Johns previous role as a part of the town and his new role as nostalgic outsider.
D. his fathers naivety and Johns pragmatism.
E. the old-fashioned atmosphere in the town before Johns father influenced it and its current modernity.
Answer: C
Sentence Completion
Question: 71
Medieval illuminated manuscripts art too _______for exhibition except under rigorously controlled conditions of
light, temperature, and humidity, and thus are the majority of art lovers.
A. intricate.. imperceptible to
B. immaculate.. idolized by
C. fragile.. available to
D. valuable.. scorned by
E. vulnerable.. inaccessible to
Answer: E
Question: 72
The artistry of cellist Yo Yo Ma is essentially_______; the melodic line rises _______, imbued with feeling and
totally lacking in apparent calculation.
A. carefree.. stiffly
B. reserved.. involuntarily
C. lyrical passionately
D. detached.. carefully
E. deliberate.. methodically
Answer: C
Question: 73
The supreme Court's reversal of its previous ruling on the issue of State's right_______its reputation for
A. sustained.. infallibility
B. compromised.. consistency
C. bolstered.. doggedness
D. exacerbated.. inflexibility
E. dispelled.. vacillation
Answer: B
Question: 74
Denise was astounded to hear that her brother, whom she knew to be quite _______, was described as taciturn and
aloof by his colleagues at the university.
A. insular
B. placid
C. anguished
D. vacuous
E. garrulous
Answer: E
Question: 75
Because they are_______to take financial loss that results from providing drugs for_______markets,
pharmaceutical manufacturers often do not produce needed drugs for rare diseases.
A. proud.. small
B. eager.. known
C. prone.. nebulous
D. loath.. limited
E. reluctant. expanding
Answer: D
Sentence Correction
Question: 72
The father died without leaving a will, and since one of the sons was abroad at the time, the other took the cat's
share of the property for himself.
A. the other look the cat's share of the property for himself
B. the other took the rat's share of the property for himself
C. the other look the tiger's share of the property for himself
D. the other took the lion's share of the property for himself
E. the other took the elephant's share of the property for himself
Answer: D
Question: 73
Tom was late again this morning. This time he had some crow-and-bull story about having to take a woman with
her poodle to see a vet!
A. had some crow-and-bull story about
B. had some cow-and-bull story about
C. had some goose-and-bull story about
D. had some bird-and-bull story about
E. had some cock-and-bull story about
Answer: E
Question: 74
We were planning a surprise party for Margaret, but she walked in on our discussion, so of course that rather let the
cat out the bag.
A. so of course that rather let the cat out the bag
B. so of course that rather let the cat out on the bag
C. so of course that rather let the cat out in the bag
D. so of course that rather let the cat out of the bag
E. so of course that rather let the cat out off the bag
Answer: D
Question: 75
John is a real busy bird today. He has been rushing around all morning.
A. John is a real busy bird today
B. John is a real busy bee today
C. John is a real busy dog today
D. John is a real busy ape today
E. John is a real busy box today
Answer: B
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Richard [2024-4-28]
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Other Sources
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