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Sitecore 10 NET Developer
Question: 124
Your published layout.cshtml file contains a static placeholder with a main placeholder key and you want to add
renderings to the presentation details of a templates standard values; however you cannot see the "main" placeholder
key you added to the layout. Of the available options, which is the best explanation of what happened?
A. There is a missing configuration element in web.config for placeholders.
B. The wrong layout is associated with the current template.
C. A Sitecore publish is required to show placeholder keys when editing presentation details.
D. There is no placeholder settings item for the associated "main" placeholder key.
Answer: D
Question: 125
As you create templates and add standard values, you knowitems created from the templates should automatically have
the Title field populated with the name of the item.
What should you do to ensure this occurs?
A. Add $name token to the template's standard values Title field.
B. Set $name token in the newitem's content Title field.
C. Set_name token in the new item's content Title field.
D. Add_name token to the template's standard values Title field.
Answer: A
Question: 127
While using the Sitecore Install Assistant (SIA), you encounter the error below:
Based on the information provided in the image, what is the most likely reason for this install error?
A. The Sitecore instance username/password were incorrect.
B. The Solr install path was set incorrectly.
C. The Solr service was stopped.
D. The SQL server username/password were incorrect.
Answer: B
Question: 128
What is the purpose of developing field editor buttons for Experience Editor?
A. To allow ContentAuthors to edit image fields within Experience Editor.
B. To provide additional field-editing functionality for complex fields through a pop-up window.
C. To give Content Authors the ability to change the field type as they work on content.
D. To open therich text editor for fields of the rich text type in Experience Editor.
Answer: B
Question: 129
If you want to limit the serialization of items under the Navigation item to the item itself and those one step below,
what property should you add to the includes to indicate this limitation?
A. Item path
B. Scope
C. Nothing, this is the default
D. Name
Answer: C
Question: 130
You are designing a component that will allow users to select acontent item from a specific place within the content
tree as the data source.
How will you ensure the component is flexible and the user can select a content item upon use?
A. Ensure the insert options for the component are enabled so the Author can change the content item for the
B. Ensure the users can create a new component from Experience Editor and configure the Datasource Template field.
C. Ensure the component supports a change to the data source and configure the Datasource Location field.
D. Ensure you add a placeholder within the component so the Experience Editor prompts the user for a content item.
Answer: C
Question: 131
In a non-SXA website where you are using Sitecore MVC, you are working on the presentation for awebsite, starting
with the layout.
What two things are needed to successfully implement a layout? (Choose two.)
A. A layout.cshtml file
B. A layout definition item
C. A standard values item
D. A presentation details settings item
E. A main placeholder
Answer: A,B
Question: 132
You have been hired to create a company's website, and, as you prepare, you must define the data structures in
Sitecore to create items and content.
What should you use to define your data structures?
A. Templates
B. Config files
C. SQL tables
D. Renderings
Answer: A
Question: 133
When using Sitecore MVC, which static class contains information about any current HTTP request?
A. Sitecore.HttpContext. Request
B. Sitecore.Context
C. Sitecore.Request
D. Sitecore.HttpContext
Answer: D
Question: 134
When creating data templates, you have the option to add Field sections (at least one is required).
What is the purpose of Field sections?
A. Field sections are used for grouping related fields with templates and the resulting items.
B. Field sections enable Content Authors to add content to various fields.
C. Field sections make template items easier to recognize in Sitecore Rocks.
D. Field sections provide a hierarchical way of navigating fields in the code.
Answer: A
Question: 135
A company you develop for wants to temporarily change the design for their main page for a company anniversary
Because this will be a specific version of the main page that is published for a specific period, which Sitecore feature
enables you to accomplish this change while easily allowing you to revert to the original design?
A. Final layouts
B. Shared layouts
C. Restricted layouts
D. Versioned layouts
Answer: D
Question: 136
Which statement characterizes the Sitecore Extranet security domain?
A. It provides default access to the Sitecore identity server for users to log in to the appropriate environment areas.
B. It is an internal security domain for users that can access the Sitecore client tools and editing functionality.
C. It is the domain that contains user accounts as well as customized roles for managing read access to the website
D. It provides customized roles for controlling access to third-party environments such as a CRM or payment portal.
Answer: C
Question: 137
A team member incorrectly entered their password several times when attempting to log in to Sitecore and is now
locked out of their account.
What can you do to unlock this user?
A. Go to the User Manager, select the user, and click Edit to update user settings.
B. Go to the Security Editor, select the user, and update their access rights to Sitecore.
C. Go to the User Manager, select the user, and click Change password to unlock the user's account by resetting their
D. Go to the User Manager, select the user, and click Unlock in the navigation ribbon.
Answer: D
Question: 138
If the path of a specific module file is not set in the sitecore.json file, what will happen when you run standard
serialization commands?
A. When you run push or pull serialization commands, the tool will search for your module to access the includes.
B. You will receive a warning advising you some modules are not included and ask if you wish to include them in the
serialization attempt.
C. The paths and related items included in the module will not be serialized when you run a push or pull command.
D. Only selected items in the specific module will be serialized, but it will not include all of them.
Answer: C
Question: 139
With Sitecore MVC, how do you ensure a field cannot be edited when you use the field helper to render content?
A. Use then on-editable equivalent field type.
B. Use the DisableWebEdit option.
C. Set the editable parameter to "false".
D. Mark the field as non-editable in the field definition item.
Answer: B
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Other Sources
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Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer syllabus
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer certification
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Exam Braindumps
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer questions
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer PDF Download
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer exam success
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer course outline
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Test Prep
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer education
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer exam dumps
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Study Guide
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Actual Questions
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Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Study Guide
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Exam Cram
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer Exam Braindumps
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer syllabus
Sitecore-10-NET-Developer - Sitecore 10 NET Developer exam success
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