Service-Cloud-Consultant Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Course Outline: Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant
I. Introduction to Salesforce Service Cloud
A. Overview of Salesforce Service Cloud features and capabilities
B. Service Cloud architecture and components
C. Understanding the role of a Service Cloud consultant
II. Service Cloud Implementation Strategies
A. Defining service objectives and requirements
B. Designing service processes and workflows
C. Planning for data migration and integration
III. Service Cloud Data Model and Configuration
A. Understanding standard and custom objects in Service Cloud
B. Configuring case management and queues
C. Implementing entitlements and service contracts
IV. Salesforce Knowledge Management
A. Configuring and managing knowledge articles
B. Implementing knowledge article versioning and translation
C. Enabling knowledge base search and article recommendations
V. Omni-Channel and Service Console
A. Setting up Omni-Channel routing and work distribution
B. Configuring Service Console for efficient agent productivity
C. Customizing console components and layouts
VI. Service Cloud Automation
A. Designing and implementing service workflows
B. Utilizing process builder and flow for automation
C. Implementing service-level agreements (SLAs)
VII. Salesforce CTI Integration
A. Integrating telephony systems with Service Cloud
B. Configuring softphone functionality and screen pops
C. Implementing call center analytics and reporting
VIII. Service Cloud Analytics and Reporting
A. Creating service reports and dashboards
B. Analyzing service performance and customer satisfaction
C. Utilizing Einstein Analytics for service insights
Exam Objectives:
- Understand the features and capabilities of Salesforce Service Cloud
- Design and implement Service Cloud solutions based on business requirements
- Configure and customize Service Cloud components, such as cases, entitlements, and knowledge management
- Set up Omni-Channel routing and optimize agent productivity with Service Console
- Automate service processes using workflows, process builder, and flow
- Integrate telephony systems with Service Cloud for CTI functionality
- Create and analyze service reports and dashboards
- Demonstrate knowledge of best practices and industry standards for Service Cloud implementation
The syllabus for the Salesforce Certified Service Cloud Consultant course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Salesforce Service Cloud
- Service Cloud Implementation Strategies
- Service Cloud Data Model and Configuration
- Salesforce Knowledge Management
- Omni-Channel and Service Console
- Service Cloud Automation
- Salesforce CTI Integration
- Service Cloud Analytics and Reporting
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Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant
Question: 166
Which search mechanism should be used to find case comments from within the lightning service console?
A. Search utility component
B. Comment search component
C. Comments list view
D. Global search
Answer: D
Question: 167
A Contact Center Manager is implementing a new customer care program and wants to specifically measure customer
Which three measures satisfy this requirement? Choose 3 answers
A. customer satisfaction Survey
B. Customer Purchase History
C. Customer Support Requests
D. Net promoter Score
E. Service Level Agreement
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 168
Universal Containers recently implement Service Cloud. The Support Manager notices that cases are being distributed
unevenly across the team.
What should the consultant recommend to address this problem?
A. Configure Case Assignment Rules to use Queues.
B. Configure Omni-Channel Routing Model as Most Available.
C. Configure Case Assignment Rules to use Users.
D. Configure Omni-Channel Routing Model as Least Active.
Answer: B
Question: 169
A company wants to publish knowledge articles to its customer community. The articles should be organized for easy
navigation by community members.
What should a consultant recommend?
A. Define data categories with custom visibility.
B. Define article types with public sharing settings.
C. Define topics for each knowledge article.
D. Define a custom field to identify the subject.
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 170
A company wants to publish Knowledge articles to its Customer Community. The articles should be organized for
easy navigation by Community members .
What should a Consultant recommend?
A. Define Article Types with Public Sharing Settings.
B. Define Data Categories with Custom Visibility.
C. Define Topics for each Knowledge article.
D. Define a Custom Field to identify the Subject.
Answer: C
Question: 171
UC has two customer service contact centers and each focuses on a specific product line. Each contact center has a
varying call volume, contributing to a high operational cost for the company. UC wants to optimize the cost without
compromising customer satisfaction .
What can a consultant recommend to accomplish these objectives? Choose 2 answers.
A. Implement a customer self-service portal
B. Enable agents to transfer calls to other agents
C. Cross-train agents on both product lines
D. Prioritize customer calls based on their SLA
Answer: A,C
Question: 172
A manager would like information on the knowledge base searches conducted by customers and call center agents .
Which two metrics are useful for identifying knowledge article effectiveness? Choose 2 answers
A. Knowledge search query with no results.
B. Knowledge articles with the lowest rating.
C. Number of knowledge articles in each data category.
D. Knowledge articles created by call center agents.
Answer: A,B
Question: 173
The Service Manager at universal Containers manages three teams. Each team provides support for the specific
product. Agents have concerns about seeing search results for other products when searching the knowledge base. The
service manager originally provided the teams with full access to the articles.
Which solution will ensure each team sees only the relevant article type for their product?
A. Create an article action for each record type and assign them to each team based on their product specialization
B. Create a permission set for each record type and assign them to each team based on their product specialization
C. Create a page layout for each article type and assign them to each team based on their product specialization
D. Create a data category for each product and assign them to each team bases on their product specialization
Answer: D
Question: 174
Universal Containers wants to implement best practices for its customer support teams and has decided to follow a
Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) methodology.
Which two benefits can be expected from KCS adoption? Choose 2 answers
A. A knowledge article life cycle that is implemented correctly the first time and does not need to change
B. Reduced first contact resolution
C. A knowledge article life cycle that evolves based on usage and demand
D. Reduced issue resolution time
Answer: B,D
Question: 175
As part of a new Salesforce Knowledge implementation, Universal Containers would like to migrate articles from their
current database.
Which factor should a Consultant consider as part of the migration strategy?
A. Convert any articles containing HTML into plain text before importing because HTML is NOT supported in any
article field types.
B. Verify that each article type has field level security on all fields set to read-only prior to import, in order to prevent
any loss of data.
C. Ensure that each existing article type has a corresponding Salesforce Knowledge article type that matches its
structure and content.
D. Prepare a single .csv file that can be used to migrate all articles types at once and include with a properties file in a
.zip for import.
Answer: D
Question: 176
Universal Containers (UC) is updating the Service Cloud console app for its call center agents. Management is
concerned that deploying the new app will disrupt current operations and impact customer satisfaction.
What should the consultant recommend to mitigation these concerns?
A. Deploy the configured and tested app to production, update the agents profile to view the app and take away
access to the old app.
B. Configure the new app in a sandbox. Use a change-set to push the configuration to production for testing and
C. Deploy the configuration from a sandbox to production during the next Salesforce version update so the system
only goes down once.
D. Configure the new app m developer org and use an unmanaged package to deploy to production.
Answer: D
Question: 177
How can a Contact Center Manager see which Service Representatives have not accepted new Cases recently using the
Lightning Service Console?
A. Omni-Channel Utility Component
B. Cases report sorted by Rep and Case Owner
C. Cases report sorted by Rep and Case CreatedDate
D. Omni-Channel Supervisor tab
Answer: D
Question: 178
Sales engineer needs visibility to list field edits, emails, case comments, and related objects on ONE page .
How can this be achieved?
A. Customer view of case tab
B. Custom Visual force page
C. Custom report
D. Custom related list
Answer: B
Question: 179
Universal Containers would like to provide their contact center agents with a map image of their customers location
based on the Shipping Address of their Account Record .
What should a consultant recommend as part of the solution?
A. An outbound message to a middleware platform to provide map details
B. A mashup integration on the Account page to a third-party mapping service
C. A Web Service call-out that retrieves map details from the backend system
D. A custom tab of type URL that displays a map image of customer location
Answer: B
Question: 180
Universal Containers (UC) wants to schedule for repair service when an agent is unable to solve the customers
problem via the call center.
What functionality should a consultant recommend to satisfy the UCs need?
A. omni Channel
B. Contact Request
C. Field Service
D. Mobile Connect
Answer: C
/( 48(67,216
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Other Sources
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Practice Questions
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant exam syllabus
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant information source
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant answers
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant braindumps
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant braindumps
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Exam Questions
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant information search
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant PDF Dumps
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant information search
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant learning
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant information source
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Questions and Answers
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Study Guide
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Exam dumps
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant information search
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Dumps
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Actual Questions
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Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant Practice Questions
Service-Cloud-Consultant - Salesforce Certified Service cloud consultant dumps
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