SPLK-1001 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
A Splunk Core Certified User is able to search, use fields, create alerts, use look-ups, and create basic statistical reports and dashboards in either the Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud platforms. This optional entry-level certification demonstrates an individual's basic ability to navigate and use Splunk software. The prerequisite course listed below is highly recommended, but not required for candidates to register for the certification exam.
As part of our programs partnership with PearsonVUE, all exam registrants must adhere to a few
universal guidelines (no exceptions):
● Must have a Splunk.com account/username, linked to a valid, current email address.
● Must create an account with PearsonVUE: home.pearsonvue.com/splunk. Note: the name
used for exam registration must match the full name on candidates photo ID.
● Must be at least 18 years of age. Candidates age 13-17 who wish to participate must
provide a signed parental acknowledgement form (available as Exhibit 1, attached to the
Splunk Certification Agreement, included on page 19).
● Must pay the registration fee of $125 per exam attempt (or $500 for 5 exam registrations).
● Must provide valid photo ID and a second form of identification showing legal name (e.g.
credit card, military ID, student ID, etc.) at the time of exam. To view the full ID policy,
please click here.
● Must agree to Splunk Certification Agreement (see page 13, also found here).
● Must agree to the Pearson VUE Candidate Rules Agreement (found here).
● Candidates who wish to schedule an exam appointment using the online portal must agree
to the Pearson VUE Facial Recognition Policy. See Appendix D for more information.
● Online proctoring candidates must meet the PearsonVUE system requirements
Immediately after submitting the exam, the candidates results (pass or fail) will be displayed. For
candidates testing onsite, a printout of these results will be provided by the on-site proctor.
Candidates testing via online proctoring will not receive a hard copy of their results, but will have
the option to print a score report via their Pearson online account.
Candidates (both onsite and online) who pass the exam will not receive any additional feedback
regarding exam performance.
Unsuccessful candidates (both onsite and online) can access additional information (including
section feedback) via their Pearson online account.
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Splunk Core Certified User
Question: 238
When editing a dashboard, which of the following are possible options? (select all that apply)
A . Add an output.
B . Export a dashboard panel.
C . Modify the chart type displayed in a dashboard panel.
D . Drag a dashboard panel to a different location on the dashboard.
Answer: C
Question: 239
Which of the following constraints can be used with the top command?
A . limit
B . useperc
C . addtotals
D . fieldcount
Answer: A
Question: 240
Which of the following constraints can be used with the top command?
A . limit
B . useperc
C . addtotals
D . fieldcount
Answer: A
Reference: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/339141/how-to-use-top-command-or-stats-with-sortresults.html
Question: 241
How are events displayed after a search is executed?
A . In chronological order.
B . Randomly by default.
C . In reverse chronological order.
D . Alphabetically according to field name.
Answer: A
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/SearchReference/Eventorderfunctions
Question: 242
Which of the following represents the Splunk recommended naming convention for dashboards?
A . Description_Group_Object
B . Group_Description_Object
C . Group_Object_Description
D . Object_Group_Description
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Knowledge/ Developnamingconventionsforknowledgeobjecttitles
Question: 243
What is a primary function of a scheduled report?
A . Auto-detect changes in performance.
B . Auto-generated PDF reports of overall data trends.
C . Regularly scheduled archiving to keep disk space use low.
D . Triggering an alert in your Splunk instance when certain conditions are met.
Answer: D
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Report/Schedulereports
Question: 244
When sorting on multiple fields with the sort command, what delimiter can be used between the field names in the search?
A . |
B . $
C . !
D . ,
Answer: D
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/SearchReference/Sort
Question: 245
Which of the following are common constraints of the top command?
A . limit, count
B . limit, showpercent
C . limits, countfield
D . showperc, countfield
Answer: A
Question: 246
What must be done in order to use a lookup table in Splunk?
A . The lookup must be configured to run automatically.
B . The contents of the lookup file must be copied and pasted into the search bar.
C . The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk and a lookup definition must be created.
D . The lookup file must be uploaded to the etc/apps/lookups folder for automatic ingestion.
Answer: C
Question: 247
How can search results be kept longer than 7 days?
A . By scheduling a report.
B . By creating a link to the job.
C . By changing the job settings.
D . By changing the time range picker to more than 7 days.
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Extendjoblifetimes
Question: 248
Select the answer that displays the accurate placing of the pipe in the following search string:
index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats count by price
A . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 stats | count by price
B . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count by price
C . index=security sourcetype=access_* status=200 | stats count | by price
D . index=security sourcetype=access_* | status=200 | stats count by price
Answer: A
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Aboutsubsearches
Question: 249
Which command is used to review the contents of a specified static lookup file?
A . lookup
B . csvlookup
C . inputlookup
D . outputlookup
Answer: C
Question: 250
Which of the following Splunk components typically resides on the machines where data originates?
A . Indexer
B . Forwarder
C . Search head
D . Deployment server
Answer: C
Question: 251
Which of the following is a Splunk search best practice?
A . Filter as early as possible.
B . Never specify more than one index.
C . Include as few search terms as possible.
D . Use wildcards to return more search results.
Answer: A
Question: 252
When writing searches in Splunk, which of the following is true about Booleans?
A . They must be lowercase.
B . They must be uppercase.
C . They must be in quotations.
D . They must be in parentheses.
Answer: D
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Booleanexpressions
Question: 253
When displaying results of a search, which of the following is true about line charts?
A . Line charts are optimal for single and multiple series.
B . Line charts are optimal for single series when using Fast mode.
C . Line charts are optimal for multiple series with 3 or more columns.
D . Line charts are optimal for multiseries searches with at least 2 or more columns.
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Viz/LineAreaCharts
Question: 254
Which of the following searches would return events with failure in index netfw or warn or criticalin index netops?
A . (index=netfw failure) AND index=netops warn OR critical
B . (index=netfw failure) OR (index=netops (warn OR critical))
C . (index=netfw failure) AND (index=netops (warn OR critical))
D . (index=netfw failure) OR index=netops OR (warn OR critical)
Answer: B
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Search/Aboutsubsearches
Question: 255
When looking at a dashboard panel that is based on a report, which of the following is true?
A . You can modify the search string in the panel, and you can change and configure the visualization.
B . You can modify the search string in the panel, but you cannot change and configure the visualization.
C . You cannot modify the search string in the panel, but you can change and configure the visualization.
D . You cannot modify the search string in the panel, and you cannot change and configure the visualization.
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Viz/WorkingWithDashboardPanels
Question: 256
What must be done before an automatic lookup can be created? (select all that apply)
A . The lookup command must be used.
B . The lookup definition must be created.
C . The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk.
D . The lookup file must be verified using the inputlookup command.
Answer: B
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Knowledge/ DefineanautomaticlookupinSplunkWeb
Question: 257
What determines the scope of data that appears in a scheduled report?
A . All data accessible to the User role will appear in the report.
B . All data accessible to the owner of the report will appear in the report.
C . All data accessible to all users will appear in the report until the next time the report is run.
D . The owner of the report can configure permissions so that the report uses either the User role or the owners profile at run time.
Answer: D
Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.2.6/Report/Managereportpermissions
Question: 258
Which of the following is true about user account settings and preferences?
A . Search & Reporting is the only app that can be set as the default application.
B . Full names can only be changed by accounts with a Power User or Admin role.
C . Time zones are automatically updated based on the setting of the computer accessing Splunk.
D . Full name, time zone, and default app can be defined by clicking the login name in the Splunk bar.
Answer: B
/( 48(67,216
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