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PCPP1-Certified Professional in Python Programming
Question: 175
Analyze the code and choose the best statement that describes it.
A. ___ne___() is not a built-in special method
B. The code is erroneous
C. The code is responsible for the support of the negation operator e.g. a = - a.
D. The code is responsible for the support of the inequality operator i.e. i =
Answer: D
The correct answer is
D. The code is responsible for the support of the inequality operator i.e. i != j. In the given code snippet, the __ne__
method is a special method that overrides the behavior of the inequality operator != for instances of
the MyClass class. When the inequality operator is used to compare two instances of MyClass, the __ne__ method is
called to determine whether the two instances are unequal.
Question: 176
Analyze the following snippet and select the statement that best describes it.
A. The code is an example of implicitly chained exceptions.
B. The code is erroneous as the OwnMath class does not inherit from any Exception type class
C. The code is fine and the script execution is not interrupted by any exception.
D. The code is an example of explicitly chained exceptions.
Answer: D
In the given code snippet, an instance of OwnMath exception is raised with an explicitly specified __cause__ attribute
that refers to the original exception (ZeroDivisionError). This is an example of explicitly chaining exceptions in
Question: 177
Analyze the following snippet and decide whether the code is correct and/or which method should be distinguished as
a class method.
A. There is only one initializer, so there is no need for a class method.
B. The getNumberofCrosswords () method should be decorated With @classmethod.
C. The code is erroneous.
D. The gexNumberOfcrosswords () and issrived methods should be decorated with @classzoechod.
Answer: B
The correct answer is B. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod. In the given
code snippet, the getNumberofCrosswords method is intended to be a class method that returns the value of the
numberofcrosswords class variable. However, the method is not decorated with the @classmethod decorator and does
not take a cls parameter representing the class itself. To make getNumberofCrosswords a proper class method, it
should be decorated with @classmethod and take a cls parameter as its first argument.
B. The getNumberofCrosswords() method should be decorated with @classmethod. This is because the
getNumberofCrosswords() method is intended to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords, but it is defined
as an instance method, which requires an instance of the class to be created before it can be called. To make it work as
a class-level method, you can define it as a class method by adding the @classmethod decorator to the function.
Here's an example of how to define getNumberofCrosswords() as a class method:
numberofcrosswords =0
def __init__(self, author, title):
self.author = author
self.title = title
Crossword.numberofcrosswords +=1
In this example, getNumberofCrosswords() is defined as a class method using the @classmethod decorator, and the cls
parameter is used to access the class-level variable numberofcrosswords.
Reference: Official Python documentation on Classes: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html
Question: 178
Select the true statements about the sqlite3 module. (Select two answers.)
A. The fetchalt method returns None when no rows are available
B. The execute method allows you to perform several queries at once
C. The execute method is provided by the Cursor class
D. The fetchone method returns None when no rows are available
Answer: A,C,D
C. The execute method is provided by the Cursor class
This statement is true because the execute method is one of the methods of the Cursor class in the sqlite3 module. The
Cursor class represents an object that can execute SQL statements and fetch results from a database connection. The
execute method takes an SQL query as an argument and executes it against the database. For example, cur =
conn.cursor (); cur.execute (SELECT * FROM table) creates and executes a cursor object that selects all rows from
a table.
D. The fetchone method returns None when no rows are available
This statement is true because the fetchone method is another method of the Cursor class in the sqlite3 module. The
fetchone method fetches the next row of a query result set and returns it as a single tuple or None if no more rows are
available. For example, row = cur.fetchone () fetches and returns one row from the cursor object or None if there are
no more rows.
Question: 179
What is true about the invocation of the cget () method?
A. It can be used to read widget attributes.
B. It has the same effect as the config () method.
C. It can be used to set new values to widget attributes.
D. It can be replaced with a dictionary-like access manner.
Answer: A
The cget() method in Python is used to read the configuration options of a widget in Tkinter. It retrieves the value of a
specified configuration option for a Tkinter widget. Hence, option A is the correct answer.
Question: 180
In the JSON processing context, the term serialization:
A. names a process in which Python data is turned into a JSON string.
B. names a process in which a JSON string is turned into Python data.
C. refers to nothing, because there is no such thing as JSON serialization.
D. names a process in which a JSON string is remodeled and transformed into a new JSON string
Answer: A
In the JSON processing context, the term serialization:
A. names a process in which Python data is turned into a JSON string.
Serialization refers to the process of converting a data object, such as a Python object, into a format that can be easily
transferred over a network or stored in a file. In the case of JSON, serialization refers to converting Python data into a
string representation using the JSON format. This string can be sent over a network or stored as a file, and later
deserialized back into the original Python data object.
Reference: Official Python documentation on json: https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json-serialization
Question: 181
What does the term deserialization mean? Select the best answer.
A. It is a process of creating Python objects based on sequences of bytes.
B. It is a process of assigning unique identifiers to every newly created Python object
C. It is another name for the data transmission process
D. It is a process of converting the structure of an object into a stream of bytes
Answer: A
A. Deserialization is the process of converting data that has been serialized or encoded in a specific format, back into
its original form as an object or a data structure in memory. In Python, this typically involves creating Python objects
based on sequences of bytes that have been serialized using a protocol such as JSON, Pickle, or YAML.
For example, if you have a Python object my_obj and you want to serialize it to a JSON string, you might do
something like this:
serialized_obj = json.dumps(my_obj)
To deserialize the JSON string back into a Python object, you would use the json.loads() method:
deserialized_obj = json.loads(serialized_obj)
This would convert the JSON string back into its original Python object form.
Official Python Documentation on
Serialization: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html#module-pickle
Real Python Tutorial on Serialization and Deserialization in Python: https://realpython.com/python-serialization/
Deserialization is the process of converting a sequence of bytes, such as a file or a network message, into a Python
object. This is the opposite of serialization, which is the process of converting a Python object into a sequence of bytes
for storage or transmission.
Question: 182
Analyze the following snippet and select the statement that best describes it.
A. The code is syntactically correct despite the fact that the names of the function parameters do not follow the naming
B. The *arg parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters
C. The code is missing a placeholder for unnamed parameters.
D. The code is syntactically incorrect - the function should be defined as def f1 (*args, **kwargs) :
Answer: B
The provided code snippet defines a function f1 that accepts variable-length arguments using the *args and **kwargs
syntax. The *args parameter allows for an arbitrary number of unnamed arguments to be passed to the function as a
tuple, while the **kwargs parameter allows for an arbitrary number of named arguments to be passed to the function
as a dictionary.
Therefore, the correct statement that best describes the code is:
B. The *args parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters, while the **kwargs parameter holds a dictionary of named
Official Python documentation on Function definitions: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#defining-
The arg parameter holds a list of unnamed parameters. In the given code snippet, the f1 function takes two arguments:
*arg and **kwarg. The *arg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of non-keyword
(positional) arguments to the function. Inside the function, arg is a tuple containing the positional arguments passed to
the function. The **kwarg syntax in the function signature is used to pass a variable number of keywordarguments to
the function. Inside the function, kwarg is a dictionary containing the keyword arguments passed to the function.
Question: 183
Which one of the following methods allows you to debug an XML tree in the xml.etree ELementTree module?
A. debug
B. dump
C. log
D. parse
Answer: B
The dump() method in the xml.etree.ElementTree module allows you to output a debug representation of an XML tree
to a file or standard output. This method is useful for analyzing the structure of the tree and tracking down errors.
Reference: Official Python documentation on the ElementTree module:
Question: 184
Which function or operator should you use to obtain the answer True or False to the question: "Do two variables refer
to the same object?"
A. The = operator
B. The isinstanceO function
C. The id () function
D. The is operator
Answer: D
To test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory, you should use the is operator. The is operator
returns True if the two variables point to the same object in memory, and False otherwise.
For example:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
c = [1, 2, 3]
print(a is b) # True
print(a is c) # False
In this example, a and b refer to the same list object in memory, so a is b returns True. On the other hand, a and c
refer to two separate list objects with the same values, so a is c returns False.
Official Python documentation on
Comparisons: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#not-in
Official Python documentation on Identity
comparisons: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#is
The is operator is used to test whether two variables refer to the same object in memory. If two variables x and y refer
to the same object, the expression x is y will evaluate to True. Otherwise, it will evaluate to False.
Question: 185
What is true about type in the object-oriented programming sense?
A. It is the bottommost type that any object can inherit from.
B. It is a built-in method that allows enumeration of composite objects
C. It is the topmost type that any class can inherit from
D. It is an object used to instantiate a class
Answer: C
In Python, type is the built-in metaclass that serves as the base class for all new-style classes. All new-style classes in
Python, including built-in types like int and str, are instances of the type metaclass and inherit from it.
Question: 186
What will happen if the mamwindow is too small to fit all its widgets?
A. Some widgets may be invisible
B. The window will be expanded.
C. An exception will be raised.
D. The widgets will be scaled down to fit the window's size.
Answer: A
If the main window is too small to fit all its widgets, some widgets may be invisible. So, the correct answer is Option
When a window is not large enough to display all of its content, some widgets may be partially or completely hidden.
The window will not automatically expand to fit all of its content, and no exception will be raised. The widgets will
not be automatically scaled down to fit the windows size.
If the main window is too small to fit all its widgets, some of the widgets may not be visible or may be partially
visible. This is because the main window has a fixed size, and if there are more widgets than can fit within that size,
some of them will be outside the visible area of the window.
To avoid this issue, you can use layout managers such as grid, pack, or place to dynamically adjust the size and
position of the widgets as the window changes size. This will ensure that all the widgets remain visible and properly
arranged regardless of the size of the main window.
Question: 187
Which of the following will set the button text's font to 12 point italics Anal? (Select two answers)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A,B,C
Option B is correct because it sets the font option of the button to a tuple containing the font family (Arial), size (12),
and style (italic).
Option C is correct because it sets the font option of the button to a string containing the font family (Arial), size
(12), and style (italic) separated by spaces.
/( 48(67,216
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