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TOGAF® 9 Part 2 Exam
Exam Summary
Exam Name: TOGAF® 9 Part 2 Exam
Exam Number:
OG0-092 - English
OG0-095 - Brazilian Portuguese
OG0-097 - Simplified Chinese
OG0-F92 - French
OG0-S92 - Latin American Spanish
Qualification upon passing: TOGAF 9 Certified
Delivered at: Authorized Examination Provider Test Centers
Prerequisites: TOGAF 9 Foundation or a pass of the TOGAF 9 Part 1 Exam on the same day at the same test center
Supervised: Yes
Open Book: Yes, an electronic copy of the TOGAF 9 Standard is built into the exam. No hardcopy books may be used at test centers. (*)
Exam type: Scenario Based, Complex Multiple Choice
Number of questions: 8
Pass score: 60% (24 out of 40 points)
Time limit: 90 minutes (**)
Retake policy: If you fail the test you must wait one month before another attempt
Examination Fee: See Fees
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TOGAF 9 Part 2
Question #71 Section 1
You are serving as the Lead Architect for an Enterprise Architecture project team within a multinational oil and gas
corporation. It is organized into two major business groupings:
Upstream operations which include exploration for crude oil and natural gas and operating the infrastructure
necessary to deliver oil and gas to the market
Downstream operations which include the manufacturing, distribution and marketing activities for oil products
and chemicals. Safety is a priority for the company, with the aim to ensure it causes zero harm to people and the
environment. The company has to satisfy the regulatory requirements of each of the countries it operates in.
The downstream business generates a third of the company's profits worldwide and includes more than 30,000
petrol stations and various oil refineries. In some countries it also includes oil refining, a retail petrol station
network, lubricans manufacture and marketing, industrial fuel and lubricans sales. The practice for the downstream
business has been to operate locally, managed by local "operating companies".
The Governing Board is concerned about the risk posed by operating in this complex global environment with a
large part of the downstrean business represented by local operating companies. As a result, the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) has appoimted a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) to be responsible for overseeing and managing
compliance issues to the corporation. The CCO reports directly to the CEO.
The CCO has approved the expenditure of resources to establish an Enterprise Architecture program, and has
mandated the use of the TOGAF standard as the framework. He has requested to be
You have been asked to recommend an approach that would enable the development of an architecture that
addresses the needs of the Chief Compliance
Officer, legal staff, auditors and the local operating companies.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, which of the following is the best answer?
A. You recommend that an analysis of the stakeholders is undertaken, including development of a
Stakeholder Map. This will allow the architects to define groups of stakeholders who have common concerns.
The concerns and relevant viewpoints should then be defined for each group of stakeholders, and recorded in
the Architecture Vision document.
B. You recommend that the ArchiMate modeling language is used to create a set of models that can be
applied uniformly across all architecture projects. Each architecture should then be defined based on this
fixed set of models. All concerned parties can then examine the models to ensure that their needs have been
C. You recommend that a set of models be created for each project architecture that can be used to ensure
that the system will be compliant with the local regulations. A formal review should be held with the
stakeholders to verify that their concerns have been properly addressed by the models.
D. You recommend that a Communications Plan be created to address the powerful and influential
stakeholders. This plan should include a report that summarizes the key features of the architecture with
respect to each location and reflect the stakeholders' requirements. You will check with each stakeholder that
their concerns are being addressed.
Answer: B
Question #72 Section 1
You are working as a consultant to the Chief Architect at an intelligent and security organization responsible for
securing government communications and information systems. These provide real-time, highly secure
communication of voice, video, and message data to remove locations around the world. The agency has recently
received information from intelligence sources that the current encryption protocols may no longer be secure. In
response, a program is underway to upgrade the systems.
The agency has an established Enterprise Architecture (EA) capability based on the TOGAF standard. The
Executive Director of the agency is the sponsor of the
EA capability.
Since reliable, high-preformcane, and secure communications are essential to be preserving national security, the
Executive Director has placed stringent requirements for the architecture of the upgraded systems. It must be able
to provide assurance of the upgraded systems. It must be able to provide assurance and verification of specific
performance measures on the key services that are most crucial for system operation. Focusing on these service-
level details and specific measurements will allow stricter requirements to be enforced in service contracts. It will
also provide a high degree of assurance that necessary performance is being delivered and that notifications will
occur if any critical service fails to perform as required.
A portion of the program budget has been allocated to conduct a review of the EA. The scope of the review is to
evaluate the processes, content, and governance of the EA capability to ensure that the higher target performance
and service levels required by the upgraded system can be achieved.
The Chief Architect has noted that the core EA artifacts that have been in use are not able to describe these new
capabilities. The artifacts do not have explicit provisions for defining the in-depth measurement requirements
regarding specific services required for the system. She has learned that certain services within the current system
have service measurement implemenations that match some of the new requirements, but they are only used in a
few areas.
Recent EA efforts at another national agency have produced generalized high-performance communication system
models to realize similar requirements in a critical defense system involving secure communications. It is possible
that these models may be useful for the upgrade program.
[Note: You may need to refer to the Content Metamodel chapter, section 30.4 (located in Part IV) of the reference
text in order to answer this question.]
You have been asked to make recommendations for tailoring the Architecture Content Metamodel to accommodate
the requirements of the upgraded system.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, which of the following is the best answer?
A. You recommend that the motivation and governance extensions are incorporated into the Architecture
Content Metamodel. Using these extensions will allow modeling the goals, objectives and drivers for the
architecture, linking them to servive levels and more detailed governance models. This will also enable the
ability to re-use existing profiles, customizing them for the various service contracts involved.
B. You recommend that a Communications Engineering view is created using the infrastructure
consolidation extension from the Architecture Content Metamodel. This view will allow architects to align
the needed performance measurement communications across the system. This will support the stringent
performance measurements needed for the more detailed governance views required for the upgraded system,
making the interfaces to the communication and network layer of the architecture highly visible at the
application level.
C. You recommend all of the extensions be incorporated into the Architecture Content Metamodel. The full
Content Metamodel will enable the EA team to capture and categorize all the important additional data neded
to support the performance and measurement objectives linked to these artifacts. Once the new repository
content has been implemented, on-demand queries can be used to generate a customized governance
stakeholder view that isolated the artifacts and data needed to assess measurement for any particular service.
If this view is found to be inadequate for the governance concerns, the servie models within those artifacts
can be expanded.
D. You recommend that the services extension be incorporated into the Architecture Content Metamodel. By
using this extension, the service model is no longer constrained by what is expected in typical business
service defintions, allowing more flexibility for adding customized models to support the more stringent
measurement requirements. The services extension can also be used to map terminology between the
business services and the application components.
Answer: D
Question #73 Section 1
You are serving as an Enterprise Architect at a large aerospace company. It designs, manufactures and sells civil
and military aviation products worldwide and manufactures in multiple countries both inside and outside of the
European Union. The company has grown rapidly by acquisition and has inherited numerous different procurement
processes and related IT systems.
Recently, several procurement processes, within the civil aviation business, have had problems related to the timing
of purchases, which has led to excess inventory. The Vice President in change of Supply Chain Management has
made the decision to consolidate and reduce redundant procurement processes and systems. He has committed to
the CEO that the business will move to a "Just-in-time" procurement system so as to keep inventory costs low.
The TOGAF standard is used for internal Enterprise Architecture activities. At presents, there are no architectural
assets in the Architecture Repository related to this initiative. All assets will need to be acquired, customized, or
created from scratch. The company prefers to implement commercial off the shelf package applications with little
customization. The CIO, who is the project sponsor, has stated that she is not concerned about preserving the
existing procurement processes or systems.
This project is using an iterative approach for executing the Architecture Development Method (ADM). The
architecture development project has completed the
Architecure Vision Phase and has started a number of iteration cycles to develop the Architecture. As a packeged
application is being considered, the next iteration will include both the Business and Application Architectures.
Stakeholder concerns that should be addressed by these architectures include:
1. What groups of people should be involved in procurement-related business processes?
2. What applications will these groups use once the architecture development is complete?
3. What non-procurement applications will need to be integrated with the new procurement applications?
4. What are the dependencies between the non-procurement and the new procurement applications?
[Note: You may need to refer to the Architectural Artifacts chapter, section 31.6 (located in Part IV) within the
reference text in order to answer this question.]
You have been asked to identify the most appropriate catalogs, matrices, and diagrams to support the next iteration
of Architecture development.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, which of the following is the best answer?
A. You would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with an Organization/Actor catalog, a Business
Service/Function catalog, and a Data Entity/Business Function matrix. You would describe the Baseline
Application Architecture with an Application Portfolio catalog and an Application/Function matrix.
B. You would describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog, an
Organization/Actor catalog, and Data Lifecycle diagrams. You would describe the Target Application
Architecture with Application Communication diagrams, an Application Interaction matrix, and an
Application Portfolio catalog.
C. You would describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Interaction matrix, and a Business
Service/Function catalog. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with an Application
Communication diagram, an Application/Organization matrix, an Application Interaction matrix and an
Interface catalog.
D. You would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Baseline Business Process catalog, and an
Object lifecycle catalog. You would describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Interface catalog
and a Technology Portfolio catalog.
Answer: B
Question #74 Section 1
Your role is that of Lead Enterprise Architect for a chain of convenience stores. The chain includes over 15,000
retail outlets throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
Each store in the chain is an independently owned and operated franchise. The stores operate 24 hours a day and 7
days a week. Many of the stores have been wirh the franchise for more than 10 years and still use the original IT
systems deployed at that time.
The CEO of the chain has stated his concerns about the inefficiencies of the current systems and identified the need
to change. He has defined a new strategic vision that will enhance the business by providing its franchisees new
services to help them complete with other retail outlets and online retailers. This strategy is part of the long-term
commitment to enhance the brand image and increase revenue for the chain. He has also stated that he expects
improved financial results by the end of the current fiscal year.
The changes will help provide the chain with improved products, and more efficient operations. The stores will also
act as delivery and return locations for a large online retailer which will further increase the number of potential
customers. The addition of a corporate-wide data warehouse will provide analytics that will enable the marketing
group to improve its ability to target advertising and new products to specific regions.
The chain has a mature Enterprise Architecture practice based in its headquarters and uses the TOGAF standard as
the method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsor of the activity.
The Chief Architect engaged the services of a leading consulting firm that specializes in business strategy. An
initial study has been conducted to identify the strategic changes needed to implement the CEO's vision. This
recently completed with approval of a strategic architecture encompassing the entire chin, including detailed
requirements and recommendations.
Based on the recommendations from the initial study, the decision for the chain to adopt a packegd suite of
integrated applications that is tailored to the needs of the franchise has been taken.
You have been asked by the Chief Architect to propose the best approach for architecture development to realize
the CEO's vision.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 which of the following is the best answer?
A. You proposed that the target architecture is defined first, followed by transition planning. This is because
the vision is well understood and the strategic architecture agreed. The target first approach will ensure that
the current problems and inefficiencies of the baseline architecture are not carried forward, and the baseline
architecture are not carried forward, and that the proposed solution addresses the requirements identified in
the initial study.
B. You propose that his engagement define the baseline architecture first in order to assess the current
infrastructure capcity and capability. The initial priority is to understand the problem. Then the focus should
be on transition planning and architecture deployment. This will identify requirements to ensure that the
prjects are sequenced in an optimal fashion so as to realize the vision.
C. You propose that the team focus on defining the target architecture by going through the architecture
definition phases (B-D). This is because the initial study identified the need to change. This will ensure that
the change can be defined in a structured manner and address the requirements needed to realize the vision.
D. You propose that the team focus on architecture definition with a specific emphasis on understanding the
strategic change parameters of the business strategy. Once understood, the team will be in the best position
to identify the requirements, drivers, issues, and constraints for this engagement. You would ensure that the
target architecture addresses non-functional requirements so as to ensure the target architecture is robust and
Answer: A
Question #75 Section 1
You have been assigned the role of Chief Enterprise Architect within a leading professional services company that
specializes in providing outsourcing services.
The company has over 20,000 professionals and works on some of the world's largest outsourcing projects.
Outsourcing services include business processes, infrastructure, and service management. The company also
provides business consulting services. Roughly half of its turnover comes from the private sector and hal from the
public sector.
With numerous service areas and a large number of diverse engagements in progress at any given time, overall
engagement management within the company has become challenging. The company has recently had a number of
high profile projects that have overrun on budget and under delivered, thereby damaging its reputation and
adversely impacting its share price.
The company has established an Enterprise Architecture program based on the TOGAF standard, sponsored jointly
by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief
Information Officer. An Architecture Board has been formed comprised of IT staff executives and executives from
the major service areas and consulting practice.
The Enterprise Architecture (EA) team has been working with the Strategic Planning team to create a strategic
Enterprise Architecture to address these issues.
The EA team has defined a framework and held workshops with key stakeholders to define a set of architecture
principles to govern the architecture work. They have completed an Architecture Version at a strategic level and
laid our Architecture Definitions for the four domains. They have set out an ambitious vision of the future of the
company over a five-year period. This will include three distinct transformations.
The CIO has made it clear that prior to the approval of the detailed implementation and Migration plan, the EA
team will need to assess the risks associated with the proposed architecture. He has received concerns from some
of the vice presidents across the company that the proposed architecture may be too ambitious and they are not sure
it can produce sufficient value to warrant the risks.
You have been asked to recommend an approach to satisfy these concerns.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, which of the following is the best answer?
A. Before preparing the detailed Implementation and Migration plan, the EA team should review and
consolidate the gap analysis results from Phases B to D. This can be used to understand the transformations
that are required to achieve the proposed Target Architecture. The EA team should then assess the readiness
of the organization to undergo change. Once the architecture has been assembled, it should be analyzed using
a state evolution table to determine the Transition Architectures.
B. The EA team should apply an interoperability analysis to evaluate any potentital issues across the
architecture. This should include the development of a matrix showing the interoperability requirements.
Once all of the concerns have been resolved, the EA team should finalize the Architecture Roadmap and the
Implementation and Migration Plan.
C. The EA team should evaluate the organization's readiness to undergo change. This will allow the risks
associated with the transformations to be identified and mitigated for. It will also identify improvement
actions to be worked into the Implementaion and Migration Plan. The Business Value Assessment technique
should then be used to detetmine the business value and associated risks for the transformation.
D. The EA team should bring together information about potential solutions from the appropriate sources.
Once the target architecture has been assembled, it should be analyzed using a state evolution table to
determine the Transition Architectures. A value realization process should then be established to ensure that
the concerns raised are addressed.
Answer: C
/( 48(67,216
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OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 guide
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 exam contents
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 Study Guide
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 exam format
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 syllabus
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 Exam Questions
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OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 exam format
OG0-092 - TOGAF 9 Part 2 questions
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