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NSE 5 - FortiSIEM 6.3
Question: 119
To determine whether or not syslog is being received from a network device, which is the best command from the
A. tcpdump
B. phDeviceTest
C. netcat
D. phSyslogRecorder
Answer: A
Question: 120
What operating system is FortiSIEM based on?
A. Cent OS
B. Microsoft Windows
C. RedHat
D. Ubuntu
Answer: A
Question: 121
A FortiSIEM supervisor at headquarters is struggling to keep up with an increase of EPS (Events Per Second) being
reported across the enterprise.
What components should an administrator consider deploying to assist the supervisor with processing data?
A. Supervisor
B. Worker
C. Collector
D. Agent
Answer: B
Question: 122
What protocol can be used to collect Windows event logs in an agentless method?
Answer: C
Question: 123
If the reported packet loss is between 50% and 98%. which status is assigned to the device in the Availability column
of summary dashboard?
A. Down status is assigned because of packet loss.
B. Up status is assigned because of received packets
C. Critical status is assigned because of reduction in number of packets received
D. Degraded status is assigned because of packet loss
Answer: D
Question: 124
What is a prerequisite for FortiSIEM Linux agent installation?
A. The web server must be installed on the Linux server being monitored
B. The auditd service must be installed on the Linux server being monitored
C. The Linux agent manager server must be installed.
D. Both the web server and the audit service must be installed on the Linux server being monitored
Answer: B
Question: 125
Which FortiSIEM components are capable of performing device discovery?
A. FortiSIEM Windows agent
B. Worker
C. FortiSIEM Linux agent
D. Collector
Answer: D
Question: 126
If a performance rule is triggered repeatedly due to high CPU use. what occurs m the incident table?
A. A new incident is created each time the rule is triggered, and the First Seen and Last Seen times are updated.
B. The incident status changes to Repeated and the First Seen and Last Seen times are updated.
C. A new incident is created based on the Rule Frequency value, and the First Seen and Last Seen times are updated
D. The Incident Count value increases, and the First Seen and Last Seen tomes update
Answer: D
Question: 127
In FotiSlEM enterprise licensing mode, if the link between the collector and data center FortiSlEM cluster a down
what happens?
A. The collector drops incoming events like syslog. but slops performance collection
B. The collector continues performance collection of devices, but stops receiving syslog
C. The collector buffers events
D. The collector processes stop, and events are dropped
Answer: C
Question: 128
A FortiSIEM administrator wants to restrict a network administrator to running searches for only firewall devices.
Under role management, which option does the FortiSIEM administrator need to configure to achieve this scenario?
A. CMDB Report Conditions
B. Data Conditions
C. UI Access
Answer: B
/( 48(67,216
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