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Cloud, Specialist (JNCIS-Cloud)
Question: 235
You have configured an SR-IOV interface on a virtual host machine in your Contrail network environment. You
discover that analytics data is not being recorded for traffic to the customerās VM that uses the SR-IOV interface.
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. You cannot perform analytics on the SR-IOV interface traffic.
B. The SR-IOV interface must be re-added to the analytics engine.
C. The data of packets going to the VM does not go through the vRouter on the host.
D. You must use the tap interface on the Contrail vRouter to collect SR-IOV analytics data.
Answer: A,D
Question: 236
What are two Keystone endpoint types? (Choose two.)
A. root
B. admin
C. rbac
D. public
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 237
What is the role of an orchestration platform in a cloud networking environment?
A. It controls and monitors the network underlay infrastructure.
B. It controls pools of compute, storage, and networking resources.
C. In configures and monitors tunnels between physical hosts.
D. It configures and monitors tunnels between virtual hosts.
Answer: B
Question: 238
Refer to the exhibit.
You have a Contrail providing cloud services to Customer A. Customer A wants to add a packet capture service to
their network to analyze traffic flowing to and from the Internet.
Referring to the exhibit, which statement is true?
A. The packet sniffing service must be performed on the edge routers facing the Internet.
B. The packet sniffing service must be enabled on the vRouter directly attached to the customerās V
C. The packet sniffing service can be implemented on any physical host in the cloud environment.
D. The packet sniffing service can be implemented on any switch within the underlay fabric.
Answer: B
Question: 239
Which two OpenStack projects contain networking components? (Choose two.)
A. Keystone
B. Magnum
C. Nova
D. Neutron
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 240
Which statement is true regarding Virtual Network Functions (VNF)?
A. A VNF is implemented with virtual platforms.
B. A VNF requires an SDN controller for implementation.
C. A VNF is implemented with physical hardware platforms.
D. A VNF requires an SDN orchestrator for implementation.
Answer: A
Question: 241
You are required to implement a Contrail service that will automatically increase network resources for that service
when under high traffic loads, and reduce network resources for that service under low traffic loads.
Which configuration steps will accomplish this task?
A. Configure Heat to monitor the CPU threshold of services VMs, and configure a Heat auto-scaling policy to adjust
the VM resources allocated to the service.
B. Configure Ceilometer to monitor the CPU threshold of services VMs, and configure a Ceilometer auto-scaling
policy to adjust the VM resources allocated to the service.
C. Configure Heat to monitor the CPU threshold of services VMs, and configure a Ceilometer auto-scaling policy to
adjust the VM resources based on alarms generated by Heat.
D. Configure Ceilometer to monitor the CPU threshold of services VMs, and configure a Heat auto-scaling policy to
adjust VM resources based on the alarms generated by Ceilometer
Answer: D
Question: 242
You want to deploy an application to the cloud so that the application instances can be dynamically mirrored. You
want to manage only the application, leaving all other management to the cloud provider.
Which type of cloud service should you choose in this situation?
A. IaaS
B. PaaS
C. DBaaS
D. SaaS
Answer: B
Question: 243
Refer to the exhibit.
Referring to the exhibit, what does the IP address refer to in the api_server.conf file in Contrail?
A. The physical server IP address
B. The OpenStack controller IP address
C. The Server Web UI IP address
D. The Contrail IP address
Answer: B
Question: 244
You have deployed a load-balancing service for a customer in your Contrail cloud networking environment for their
data cache system. Due to the network capacity requirements, the caching servers must be migrated to a different rack
of equipment within the data center.
Which two statements are true in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. A new load-balancing service will be provisioned by the orchestrator prior to moving the caching servers.
B. The orchestration platform can remap the traffic through the existing load-balancing service once the caching
servers are moved.
C. The load-balancing service must be decommissioned and re-provisioned once the caching servers are moved.
D. The load-balancing service can be migrated to the vRouters where the caching servers are located.
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 245
You are implementing an OpenStack environment and need to install the Glance service on the control node.
Which two actions must take place to successfully complete this action? (Choose two.)
A. Create the API endpoints in Keystone.
B. Create a new availability zone for Glance.
C. Create the Glance service credentials.
D. Create local storage capacity for Glance images.
Answer: A,C
Question: 246
You are using OpenStack as the orchestrator for your data center. You need to instantiate several instances of a
webserver. There is a requirement that each webserver VM must have six VCPUs and 32 GB of RAM.
Where in OpenStackās Web user interface would you set up these resources?
A. Project>Compute>Instances
B. Orchestration>Stacks
C. Project>Compute>Images
D. Admin>System>Flavors
Answer: D
Question: 247
You are asked to create a Contrail service instance between two virtual networks. The left virtual network is a private
virtual network. The routes from the left virtual network VRF should not be leaked into the right virtual network VRF.
Which Contrail service instance type would you choose in this scenario?
A. In-network private
B. In-network NAT
C. In-Network
D. Transparent
Answer: B
Question: 248
Refer to the exhibit.
Virtual machine VM-1 is spawned on a compute node Compute-1. VM-1 is not able to ping PC-1, which is located
outside of the SDN cloud. You want to run packet captures to trace the packet initiated by VM-1 towards PC-1.
Referring to the exhibit, which three interfaces would you use to accomplish this task? (Choose three.)
A. The SDN-GW interface facing the SDN cloud
B. The Control-1 data interface
C. The Compute-1 data interface
D. The VM-1 tap interface
E. The Compute-2 data interface
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 249
What is needed to move compute resources between cloud environment?
A. Orchestration software
B. Data compression software
C. Firewall software
D. Load-balancing software
Answer: A
Question: 250
Creating a Contrail service chain requires the configuration of which three elements? (Choose three).
A. Service Policy
B. Service template
C. Service object
D. Service network
E. Service instance
Answer: A,B,E
Question: 251
Which command displays routes in a vRouter VRF?
A. rt
B. show route
C. show route table vrf-name
D. route print
Answer: A
Question: 252
Which three load-balancing algorithms are supported by Contrailās LBaaS feature? (Choose three.)
A. Destination port
B. Source IP
C. Weighted round-robin
D. Least connections
Answer: A,B,C,D
/( 48(67,216
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