ITSM20F Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Test Detail:
The ITSM20F.EN (IT Service Management Foundation based on ISO/IEC20000) exam is conducted by EXIN, a leading provider of IT service management certifications. This exam assesses candidates' knowledge and understanding of IT service management principles and practices based on the ISO/IEC 20000 standard. Below is a detailed description of the test, including the number of questions and time allocation, course outline, exam objectives, and exam syllabus.
Number of Questions and Time:
The ITSM20F.EN exam consists of multiple-choice questions. The number of questions and time allocation for the exam are as follows:
- Number of Questions: 40
- Time: 60 minutes
Course Outline:
The ITSM20F.EN course covers essential concepts and practices of IT service management based on the ISO/IEC 20000 standard. The course provides candidates with a solid foundation in IT service management principles and prepares them for the certification exam. The course outline typically includes the following key areas:
1. Introduction to IT Service Management:
- Understanding the importance of IT service management
- Exploring the ISO/IEC 20000 standard and its benefits
- Examining the scope and objectives of IT service management
2. Service Management System (SMS):
- Understanding the structure and components of a service management system
- Establishing and maintaining an effective SMS
- Roles and responsibilities in the SMS
3. Service Management Processes:
- Overview of key service management processes (e.g., incident management, problem management, change management)
- Understanding the purpose, objectives, and activities of each process
- Interactions and dependencies between different processes
4. Service Delivery and Support Processes:
- Exploring service level management, service continuity management, availability management, and capacity management
- Understanding the importance of service asset and configuration management, knowledge management, and supplier management
5. Planning and Implementing Service Management:
- Developing a service management strategy
- Planning for service management implementation
- Change management and service management improvement
Exam Objectives:
The ITSM20F.EN exam aims to assess candidates' understanding and knowledge of IT service management based on the ISO/IEC 20000 standard. The key objectives of the exam include:
1. Understanding the Principles and Concepts of IT Service Management:
- Demonstrating knowledge of IT service management concepts, principles, and frameworks
- Understanding the benefits of implementing IT service management based on ISO/IEC 20000
2. Knowledge of IT Service Management Processes:
- Familiarity with key IT service management processes, their purpose, and activities
- Understanding the interactions and dependencies between different processes
3. Understanding Service Delivery and Support:
- Knowledge of service delivery and support processes, including service level management, availability management, and capacity management
- Understanding the importance of service asset and configuration management, knowledge management, and supplier management
4. Planning and Implementing Service Management:
- Ability to develop a service management strategy
- Knowledge of planning and implementing service management practices and improvements
- Understanding the role of change management in service management
Exam Syllabus:
The ITSM20F.EN exam syllabus covers the necessary knowledge areas required to demonstrate proficiency in IT service management based on ISO/IEC 20000. The specific content and emphasis may vary slightly, so candidates are advised to consult the official EXIN website or study materials for the most up-to-date exam syllabus.
Candidates should allocate sufficient time for exam preparation, including studying the ISO/IEC 20000 standard, familiarizing themselves with IT service management processes and practices, and practicing with sample exam questions to assess their knowledge and readiness.
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IT Service Management Foundation based on ISO/IEC20000
What is meant by the Urgency of an Incident?
A. the degree to which the solution of an incident tolerates delay
B. the degree to which the incident gives rise to a deviation from the normal service
C. the time needed by IT Services to resolve the incident
D. the relative importance of the incidents when handling them
Answer: A
What is the objective of the service reporting process?
A. to document measures taken to manage information security effectively within all
service activities
B. to minimize disruption to the business by using the information contained in reports
in order to identify and analyze the cause of Incidents
C. to produce agreed, timely, reliable, accurate information to aid decision making and
effective communication
D. to provide progress reports on the planning and implementation of service
Answer: C
What is a parameter for measuring progress relative to key objectives in an
A. Balanced Scorecard (BCS)
B. Critical Success Factor (CSF)
C. Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
D. Service Improvement Program (SIP)
Answer: C
Which process is responsible for registering the relationships within the IT
A. Asset Management
B. Change Management
C. Configuration Management
D. Release Management
Answer: C
Which of the following activities in the Problem Management process is related to the
Change Management process?
A. identifying Problems
B. classifying Problems
C. correcting Problems
D. investigating a solution
Answer: C
What does Service Management aim to achieve?
A. to exceed expectations at all times based on solid processes followed rigidly at all
B. to exceed expectations occasionally, recognizing that the customer will be
disappointed at other times
C. to provide an agreed and well-defined level of quality, based on ongoing
communication with the customer
D. to provide well-defined processes and measures, by which the Service Management
organization can rate their quality for the customer
Answer: C
What is the best definition of "Quality system"?
A. ability to maintain availability of the IT infrastructure, services and supporting
organization to ensure these requirements are met consistently
B. mandatory Quality management practices followed by everyone in the service
provider organizations
C. organizational structure related to responsibilities, procedures and resources for
implementing quality management
D. set of the measures and procedures used to ensure that the services provided
continue to fulfill the expectations of the customer and the relevant agreements
Answer: C
Which of the following is a best practice concerning information security risk
A. Information security risk assessments should be carried out by an external auditor to
maintain objectivity.
B. Information security risk assessments should be performed as a result of the review
of every incident.
C. Information security risk assessments should be performed at agreed intervals and be
maintained during changes.
D. Information security risk assessments should be performed once a year.
Answer: C
A company decides to apply the principle of continual improvement. Which action
would result from this decision?
A. Analyze and evaluate the existing situation to identify areas for improvement
B. Analyze customer satisfaction and identify resulting actions
C. Review the Service Management System at least annual
D. Start an internal service organization evaluation
Answer: A
Due to excessive workload, the Desktop Support group has been unable to meet their
agreed service levels. One of the major contributing factors is the time being spent in
direct communication with users. Which Process or Function can help to alleviate some
of this workload?
A. Incident Management
B. Problem Management
C. Service Desk Service
D. Level Management
Answer: C
What defines Service Quality?
A. A series of activities that can be assessed in advance by a provider and customer
B. Achieving a 99.999% continuous level of availability
C. Meeting stated customer requirements and expectations
D. Providing a cost-effective service
Answer: C
What data is recorded when an incident is reported to the Service Desk?
A. the name of the person reporting the Incident
B. the name of the person handling the Problem
C. the name of the person who approves the Request for Change (RFC)
D. the names of persons who are authorized to implement Changes in the Configuration
Management Database (CMDB)
Answer: A
What is the difference between a process owner and a process manager?
A. a process owner is responsible for the effectiveness of the process and a process
manager is responsible for the realization of the process
B. a process owner is a director and a process manager is a manager
C. a process owner must have a Manager's Certificate and a process manager must have
a Practitioner's certificate
D. a process owner will work directly with business leadership and the process manager
only works within IT
Answer: A
Which aspect of the IT-Service Industry is considered to be one of the most important,
but also one of the most difficult?
A. constant quality
B. incorporating technological innovations
C. innovating the way services are provided
D. methodological order based on best practices
Answer: A
What is used for the assessment of maturity of organizations?
B. CobIT
Answer: A
Which process aims to prevent incidents resulting from changes to the IT
A. Availability Management
B. Change Management
C. Incident Management
D. Problem Management
Answer: B
What is required to be in place for emergency changes?
A. Capacity plans
B. Controlled Acceptance Test environment
C. policies and procedures
D. Service Continuity Plans
Answer: C
Documentation is a substantial part of the evidence for Service Management What is a
best practice relating to documentation?
A. Documentation should be kept at least five years for auditing purposes.
B. Documentation should be protected from damage due to IT related disasters.
C. Documentation should be stored at a central place and be only accessible via
D. Documentation should refer to the requirements of ISO/EC 20000 for audit
Answer: B
The Service Desk of supplier X continuous receives the same incident report. This
concerns the latest version of a client-server application. The problem no longer occurs
if the former version is re-installed. Because the cause of the incident has still not been
traced, the supplier decides to advise the customers to temporarily install the old
version, if the problem occurs. What is this advice an example of?
A. Known Error
B. Problem
C. Workaround
D. Request for Change
Answer: C
What is the objective of the Security Management process?
A. to manage information security effectively for critical services only
B. to manage information security effectively for IT staff
C. to manage information security effectively relating to the financial administration of
service activities
D. to manage information security effectively within all service activities
Answer: D
What is the most common process that is associated with the Service Desk?
A. Change Management
B. Configuration Management
C. Incident Management
D. Service Level Management
Answer: C
Problem Management is responsible for carrying out trend analysis of Incident volumes
and types. What is the reason for this?
A. to be able to charge to the correct users of the service
B. to be able to provide reports to management
C. to prevent repetitive occurrence of Incidents
D. to provide input to the Capacity Database
Answer: C
What is the purpose of CobiT?
A. to provide a high level process model that organizes a broad range of IT activities
B. to provide a set of detailed practices on how to implement processes and is therefore
well suited as a process implementation tool
C. to provide a certified measurement framework that legally provides proof of meeting
the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) requirements
D. to provide a uniform structure to understand, implement and evaluate IT capabilities,
performance and risks
Answer: D
Why is it important that the Service Desk attempts to link an Incident to a Known
A. because this is part of the IT Service Management model
B. because this means the incident can be resolved more quickly
C. because this allows incidents to be better tracked
D. because otherwise Problem Management cannot work
Answer: B
What must be included in a well defined Process structure?
A. expected results
B. functions
C. statistical support
D. timelines
Answer: A
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