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HCS-5G RF Advanced
Question: 80
The network slicing function is only for the core network, and wireless and transmission do not support slicing.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 81
Because the terminal does not need time-frequency tracking in the 5G low-frequency scene, there is no need for PT-
RS in the low-frequency scene
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 82
In the 5G network, for user security considerations, the NSA layer uses 5G-GUT1 instead of IMSI as the user's
temporary ID.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 83
In the NSA network, we can use the CI interface between enodeb and gnodeb for data distribution
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 84
In the RAN3.0 version, CSI-RS for beam management is not supported in low frequency scenarios.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 85
In RAN3.0 version, for TDD 5G network, supports only case C of SSB beam pattern.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 86
In SA networking, the mobility between neighboring cells with the same frequency can use the redirection process.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 87
As long as the SSB frequency or SCS between the serving cell and the neighboring cell is different, then the terminal's
measurement of the neighboring cell is an inter- frequency measurement.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 88
The terminal can send a power control command to the base station to control the transmission power of the PDSCH.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 89
The serving cell is not connected to the neighboring cell service of the nearby cell, indicating that the cell handover
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 90
The PDU session establishment request in 5G must be actively triggered by the UE side.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 91
The uplink timing is such that under the same gNdeB, the TA (timing advance) values of all UEs are kept at 0 at all
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 92
In the window size, the larger the window, the stronger the resistance to delay
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 93
Which of the following NR system definition indicators are at the base station level?
A. Utilization rate of the number of users
B. PRB utilization
C. Paging resource utilization
D. PDCCH resource utilization
Answer: A
Question: 94
PBCH of DMRs frequency domain position and which of the following parameters relevant?
A. Bandwidth
B. ce11ID
Answer: C
Question: 95
In the NSA network, which of the following statistics is closest to the user's experience rate?
A. RRC layer
B. RLC layer
C. Physical layer
D. PDCP layer
Answer: D
Question: 96
When the NR subcarrier is configured to 30Khz, what are the number of symbols and the number of slots
corresponding to each slot?
A. 14, 40
B. 12, 20
C. 14, 20
D. 12, 40
Answer: C
Question: 97
What is the typical value of Noise Figure (NF) for 5G CPE receiver?
A. 1dB
B. 5dB
C. 7db
D. 3dB
Answer: C
Question: 98
NSA architecture, B1 threshold event is how to send UE 's?
A. Pass Pss/Sss
B. Reconfiguration signaling through RRC
C. Via OSI message
D. Broadcast via PBCH
Answer: B
Question: 99
In NR networking, in order for users to get close to the highest uplink rate, what is the minimum requirement for its
MCS value?
A. 16
B. 32
C. 25
D. 20
Answer: C
Question: 100
In order to solve the problem of deep coverage of NR network, which of the following measures is not advisable?
A. Adopt low frequency band networking
B. Use Lampsi te to provide room coverage
C. Increase NR system bandwidth
D. Increase AAU transmit power
Answer: C
/( 48(67,216
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Other Sources
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