GRE-Verbal Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The GRE-Verbal exam consists of approximately 40 multiple-choice questions. Each question may have one or more correct answers.
- Time: Candidates are given 60 minutes to complete the GRE-Verbal section. It is important to manage time effectively to answer all the questions within the allocated time.
Course Outline:
The GRE-Verbal exam is designed to assess the candidate's verbal reasoning skills, including reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and vocabulary usage. The exam evaluates the candidate's ability to understand and analyze written material. The course outline may include the following key areas:
1. Reading Comprehension:
- Understanding the main idea and supporting details of a passage
- Identifying the author's tone, purpose, and perspective
- Drawing inferences and making conclusions
- Analyzing the structure and organization of a passage
2. Text Completion:
- Filling in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases
- Understanding the context and tone of the passage
- Recognizing logical relationships between words and ideas
- Inferring meaning from surrounding text
3. Sentence Equivalence:
- Selecting the two words or phrases that best complete a sentence
- Understanding the meaning of the sentence as a whole
- Recognizing synonyms, antonyms, and context clues
- Evaluating the logic and coherence of the sentence
4. Vocabulary:
- Understanding and using advanced vocabulary words
- Recognizing word relationships (synonyms, antonyms, analogies)
- Inferring meaning from context
- Developing strategies for learning and retaining new words
Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the GRE-Verbal exam typically include:
- Evaluating the candidate's ability to comprehend and analyze written material.
- Assessing the candidate's critical thinking and reasoning skills.
- Testing the candidate's understanding and usage of advanced vocabulary.
- Measuring the candidate's ability to draw inferences and make logical connections within the text.
Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the GRE-Verbal section may include the following topics:
1. Reading Comprehension:
- Understanding main ideas and supporting details
- Analyzing the structure and organization of passages
- Drawing inferences and making conclusions
- Recognizing author's tone, purpose, and perspective
2. Text Completion:
- Identifying words or phrases that best complete the sentence
- Understanding the context and tone of the passage
- Recognizing logical relationships between words and ideas
- Inferring meaning from surrounding text
3. Sentence Equivalence:
- Selecting two words or phrases that best complete the sentence
- Understanding the meaning of the sentence as a whole
- Recognizing word relationships (synonyms, antonyms, analogies)
- Evaluating the logic and coherence of the sentence
4. Vocabulary:
- Advanced vocabulary words and their meanings
- Word relationships (synonyms, antonyms, analogies)
- Inferring meaning from context
- Strategies for learning and retaining new words
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Graduate Record Examination (Verbal)
Question: 354
A. stern : draconian
B. copious : thorough
C. minimal : voluminous
D. salient : compulsory
E. impetuous : spontaneous
Answer: A
This is a "form of" (degree or extent) analogy. PIVOTAL means "extremely IMPORTANT", just as draconian
means "extremely stern". The analogy is based on degree.
Question: 355
A. lawyer : crime
B. army : regiment
C. doctor : disease
D. student : learning
E. guard : protection
Answer: E
This is an "inherent function" analogy. The function of a TEACHER is to provide INSTRUCTION for another;
similarly, the function of a guard is to provide protection for another. As for choice (D), although the "function" of
a student might be said to learn, it is not to provide learning for another. So choice (E) is not as strong an analogy
as choice (D).
Question: 356
A. fish : school
B. screen : television
C. lawyer : jury
D. manager : bureaucracy
E. seasoning : recipe
Answer: D
This is a "part-to-whole" analogy. A COG (gear or gear-tooth) is one of several types of components that together
make a WATCH operate; similarly, a manager is one of many types of workers who contribute to the operation of a
bureaucracy (a large, structured organization).
Question: 357
A. partisan : impartial
B. traitor : disloyal
C. soldier : obedient
D. consumer : prosperous
E. prisoner : rebellious
Answer: B
This is as "ideal characteristic" analogy. Ideally, an ARCHITECT is CREATIVE; similarly, an ideal soldier is one
who is obedient; that is, one who obeys the orders of a superior officer. Choice (B) is incorrect because disloyalty
is not just an ideal characteristic of a traitor; it is the defining characteristic.
Question: 358
A. odor : fragrance
B. circumstance : predicament
C. legislation : statute
D. advice : command
E. falsehood : lie
Answer: B
This is a "negative form of" analogy. A STIGMA (mark or sign of disgrace) is an unwanted DESIGNATION.
Similarly, a predicament (difficult situation) is an unwanted circumstance.
Question: 359
A. obligate : promise
B. swim : pool
C. purchase : product
D. shake : earthquake
E. travel : automobile
Answer: E
This is an "inherent function" analogy. A PENDULUM is designed to OSCILLATE (move back and forth);
similarly, an automobile is designed to travel.
Question: 360
A. appointment : tryst
B. play : vignette
C. memorandum: letter
D. arrangement : commitment
E. book : novel
Answer: A
This is a "type of" (special category) analogy. A SERENADE is a special kind of SONG, one sung by a lover to his
beloved, sometimes in secret; similarly, a tryst is a special kind of appointment, one made by lovers, often in secret.
Question: 361
A. tree : tall
B. foot : cramped
C. flower : crushed
D. brow : creased
E. tire : flat
Answer: D
This is a type of "symptom or manifestation" analogy. A HAND may become GNARLED (knotted and twisted) with
age, just as a brow may become creased
(wrinkled or ridged) with age. Gnarls and creases are each a manifestation of gradual deterioration. Since a tire
goes flat abruptly and for one of many possible reasons, choice (E) is not as strong an analogy as choice (D).
Question: 362
A. treat : disease
B. settle : dispute
C. lock : theft
D. harvest : crop
E. assemble : pieces
Answer: C
This is an "operates against" (prevention) analogy. You DAM (a body of water) to prevent a DELUGE (sudden,
enormous flow); similarly, you lock something like a door or a safe in order to prevent a theft.
Question: 363
A. school : student
B. waterfall : river
C. slumber : dream
D. stadium : soccer
E. game : poker
Answer: C
This is an "environment for" analogy. An OFFENSIVE (a noun here) is an event a planned attack that typically
occurs during a WAR. Similarly, a dream is an event that typically occurs during slumber (deep sleep). As for
choice (D), soccer is an event that might take place in a stadium. But to say that soccer usually occurs in a stadium
would be an overstatement. Also, a stadium is a physical place, whereas WAR and slumber are events.
Question: 364
A. spectrum : color
B. texture : sensation
C. wave : frequency
D. prism : hue
E. form : shape
Answer: A
This is a "part-to-whole" analogy. A musical SCALE is comprised of a series of TONES that are arranged in a
fixed sequence; similarly, the spectrum is comprised of a series of colors arranged in a particular sequence.
Question: 365
A. sock : carpet
B. river : gorge
C. galosh : puddle
D. cleat : turf
E. boat : wake
Answer: E
This is a "symptom or sign" analogy. A SANDAL leaves behind it a FOOTPRINT that traces the sandals path;
similarly, a boat leaves behind it a wake that traces the boats path.
/( 48(67,216
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Other Sources
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