CWM_LEVEL_II Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
The objective of the Chartered Wealth Manager® Program is to equip candidates with both basic and advanced skills required by a Wealth Manager in performing his tasks and duties as a Wealth Manager, Private Banker and Wealth Advisor.
a. Acquiring core understandings in and across the disciplines that contribute to the domain of Wealth Management including Wealth Creation, Wealth Enhancement, Wealth Preservation and Wealth Transfer.
b. Relating these conceptual frameworks to dimensions of practical areas on the ground.
c. Providing candidates with opportunities to encounter and critically engage with instances of both challenging problems and attempted interventions by a Wealth Manager.
d. Engage with the complex financial markets, human attitudes and investment lifecycles.
e. Explore the ethical and personal dimensions of Wealth Advisory and understand the fiduciary responsibilities of a Wealth Manager.
UNIT 10 : Equity Analysis
UNIT 11 : Use of Alternative Products in Wealth Management
UNIT 12 : Use of Behavioral Finance in Wealth Management
UNIT 13 : Real Estate Valuation and Analysis
UNIT 14 : Relationship Management by a Wealth Manager
UNIT 15 : International Taxation
UNIT 16 : Portfolio Management Strategies
UNIT 17 : Wealth Management Planning
UNIT 18 : Advanced Wealth Management
LEVEL II – Advanced Level
Unit 10- Equity Analysis
Equity as an asset class always features as the first choice in almost every portfolio. Considering the importance Equity possesses in investment management space this unit would focus at enabling the investment professional understand the various aspects of Equity including Equity Analysis by Technical & Fundamental Methods. The unit would help the investment professional in analysing the equity and its related products in a comprehensive & holistic manner. The unit would enhance the knowledge of the wealth manager regarding this premier asset class so that they can comprehensively advise clients on equity investments in conjunction with risk and return parameters.
Unit 11- Use of Alternative Products in Wealth Management
This course aims at explaining and discussing the importance of alternative assets in a client’s portfolio. As the market for Alternatives is growing rapidly we would try to focus on how inclusion of alternate assets has affected the risk and return composition of global clients. The unit would also focus on studying the various alternate channels of investment and their applicability globally.
Unit 12- Use of Behavioral Finance in Wealth Management
This unit is focused on behavioral and psychological factors which influences the investment decision making of a client. This unit would further exemplify how the client behavior changes to different situations prevailing in the financial markets which would help a wealth manager in evaluating how to handle and manage the client’s responses. The unit would also include case studies covering the behavioral biases shown by the clients and how a wealth can approach and mitigate the same.
Unit 13- Real Estate Valuation and Analysis
The purpose of the unit is to make an investment professional gain an understanding of the economic forces that drive Real Estate asset and how the niche characteristics of real estate can provide an excellent fitment in a client’s portfolio. The unit would encompass the concepts, tools, and techniques for evaluating individual real estate assets. The Unit would also feature the different mechanisms through which a wealth manager can guide his client with respect to this asset class-Direct and Indirect.
Unit 14- Relationship Management by a Wealth Manager
Relationship management is the back-bone of wealth management business so the concept of Customer relationship management (CRM) is widely implemented by wealth management business outfits for managing relationship and interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. The unit discusses techniques to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the wealth manager already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.
Unit 15- International Taxation
The unit would help the financial market and investment management professional in assessing the applicability of various taxation aspects for an individual investor before deciding on the portfolio allocation of the client in the international space. The unit would cover the tax structures in few of the prominent investment zones across the globe like US, UK, Singapore and Mauritius. The latter part of the unit would make an investment professional understand in requisite detail the implications of Tax treaties, cross border taxation and on creating tax efficient structures for tax planning in multiple jurisdictions.
Unit 16- Portfolio Management Strategies
The unit would serve as a foundation for understanding of Portfolio Management process of an individual. This unit would cover the fundamental concepts of risk and return and their application in the context of overall portfolio of a client which would help the wealth manager in making efficient asset allocation with respect to client’s risk and return objectives. This endeavor of the unit would be to guide the investment professional in drafting the Investment Policy Statement which is one of the most important tool of investment advisory arena. The latter part of the book would feature the various portfolio managing strategies both for Equity as well as Debt.
Unit 17- Wealth Management Planning
This unit covers the different aspects of managing and planning wealth management business across the globe. It focuses on analyzing and studying the various key profitability drivers like Clients, Products, Distribution and Organization of any wealth management business and how each of the drivers can impact the efficiency of the business. The unit would also feature the wealth management landscape globally in different markets and with specific focus on different business models.
Unit 18- Advanced Wealth Management
This unit builds upon the foundations in Wealth Management concepts covered under CWM® Program. The unit would provide an excellent platform to the wealth manager for constructing a comprehensive Wealth Plan for his client with specific focus on each of the 6 steps of the wealth management process covered in Level 1. This unit would make the investment professional understand the application of the each of the earlier units through different enriching live case studies. The unit would also provide handful tools drafted by AAFM (Performa for Portfolio Review) which can be used by an investment professional right from the start till the end of the wealth management process.
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Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level
Question: 90
Section B (2 Mark)
Mr. Manish purchased a residential house for Rs.3 lakh on 1-4-1972. Its market value on 1-4-1981 was, however,
Rs.12 lakh. He sells the house during the financial year 2011-12 for Rs.98 lakh. Calculate the taxable long term capital
gain. [CII-12-13: 852,11-12: 785,10-11:711]
A . Rs. 12,90,000/-
B . Rs. 10,90,000/-
C . Rs. 3,80,000/-
D . Rs. 7,10,000/-
Answer: C
Question: 91
Section A (1 Mark)
A well-diversified portfolio is defined as
A . One that is diversified over a large enough number of securities that the nonsystematic variance is essentially zero.
B . One that contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.
C . A portfolio whose factor beta equals 1.0.
D . A portfolio that is equally weighted.
Answer: A
Question: 92
Section A (1 Mark)
Which of the following is true regarding the resistance level?
A . It tends to develop due to profit taking.
B . It is the level at which a significant decrease in demand is expected.
C . It is the level at which a significant increase in supply is expected.
D . It usually develops after a stock reaches a new low.
Answer: C
Question: 93
Section A (1 Mark)
The difference between the cash price and the futures price on the same asset or commodity is known as the
A . Basis
B . Spread
C . Yield spread
D . Premium
Answer: B
Question: 94
Section B (2 Mark)
Amount of liability of payment of gratuity is calculated at the rate of
A . One months wage for each completed year of service
B . 20days wages for each completed year of service
C . Half a months wage for each completed year of service
D . 15 days wage for each completed year of service
Answer: D
Question: 95
Section B (2 Mark)
Manish is thinking of acquiring some shares of ABC. Ltd.
The rate of returns is as follows:
Calculate the variance and the standard deviation
A . 16, 8
B . 8, 16
C . 7.4, 54.3
D . 35.04, 5.92
Answer: D
Question: 96
Section A (1 Mark)
Response of listening falls under which one of the following categories?
A . It can be verbal
B . It can be nonverbal
C . It can be verbal or nonverbal
D . It can neither be verbal nor nonverbal
Answer: C
Question: 97
Section B (2 Mark)
You have been asked to estimate the market value of an apartment complex that is producing annual net operating
income of Rs44,500. Four highly similar and competitive apartment properties within two blocks of the subject
property have sold in the past three months. All four offer essentially the same amenities and services as the subject.
All were open-market transactions with similar terms of sale. All were financed with 30-year fixed-rate mortgages
using 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity.
The sale prices and estimated first-year net operating incomes were as follows:
What is the indicated value of the property using direct capitalization?
A . Rs 3,30,000
B . Rs 3,90,351
C . Rs3,75,000
D . Rs 3,57,000
Answer: B
Question: 98
Section A (1 Mark)
The first step of portfolio management is:
A . To assess market conditions.
B . To determine objectives, constraints and preferences.
C . To develop strategies and implement them.
D . To adjust the portfolio as necessary.
Answer: B
Question: 99
Section A (1 Mark)
Which of the followings are the important features of Real estate Investment?
A . Property rights
B . Time horizon
C . Geographic Area
D . All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 100
Section B (2 Mark)
The _________ is a plot of __________.
A . CML, individual stocks and efficient portfolios
B . CML and both efficient and inefficient portfolios, only
C . SML and individual securities and efficient portfolios
D . SML and individual securities, inefficient portfolios, and efficient portfolios.
Answer: C
/( 48(67,216
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