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ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist - Cloud
Provisioning and Governance (CIS-CPG)
Question: 171
What must be created in Azure before you can configure Azure Alerts in ServiceNow?
A. Create a Network Security Group
B. Create a Resource Group
C. Create an App Service
D. Create a Monitor Alert
Answer: D
Question: 172
How can the required parameters for a CAPI Operation be determined?
A. The Cloud Provider documentation and testing
B. Reference the parameters used by another CAPI Operation
C. ECMA script product documentation
D. ServiceNow product documentation
Answer: D
Question: 173
Which JavaScript Class can be used to make a REST API call to AWS with the least amount of code?
A. CloudAPIBase
B. AmazonCloudAPI
C. AmazonWebServicesAPIInvoker
D. AWSCloudAPIBase
Answer: C
Question: 174
When creating a new CAPI API, what is the suggested starting version number to prevent conflicts with out-of-the-
box CAPI APIs?
A. 2.0
B. 1.5
C. 0.1
D. 1.1
Answer: A
Question: 175
What governance objects are available in Cloud Provisioning and Governance? (Choose three.)
A. Quotas
B. Credentials
C. Policies
D. Permissions
Answer: C
Question: 176
Which object is rendered as a tab on the request form of a Cloud Catalog Item?
A. Tab Set
B. Tab Group
C. Variable Group
D. Variable Set
Answer: C
Question: 177
When deploying an IIS Web Server in AWS for public access, which of the following must be configured to allow
users to access the Web Server?
A. TLS Certificate
B. Security Group that allows inbound traffic
C. Network Traffic Group that allows inbound traffic
D. Windows Host Based Firewall
Answer: D
Question: 178
What would you review to quickly determine which group is deploying the most stacks?
A. Cloud Operations Dashboard
B. Cloud Activities
C. Cloud Request Items
D. Cloud Orchestration Trail
Answer: A
Question: 179
What objet does a Catalog Item utilize to dynamically set values for a Resource Block attribute?
A. Methods
B. Expressions
C. Functions
D. Operations
Answer: A
Question: 180
A customer on the New York release of CPG currently uses Blueprints to deploy Azure VMs.
What deployment options are available to the customer when they upgrade to the latest release of CPG? (Choose two.)
A. Jenkins Workflow
B. The Azure Blueprint Service
C. Puppet Manifest
D. Azure ARM Templates
E. Customers cannot upgrade from New York
F. Terraform Config file
Answer: A,C
Question: 181
After ingesting a new version of a Template, what can be done to ensure that the Order Form reflects the changes that
were introduced in the new version of the Template?
A. Modify the Catalog Items Cloud Variables
B. Deactivate and activate the Catalog Item
C. Refresh the browser
D. Activate the template version
Answer: D
Question: 182
For Cloud Provisioning and Governance in the Orlando release or later, where can you utilize an Application Profile?
A. Server side include
B. MID Server script include
C. Blueprints stage operations
D. Post-provision operation
Answer: D
Question: 183
In AWS, the region-specific containers for virtual resources are called regions.
In Cloud Provisioning and Governance, regions are called what?
A. Regions
B. Segments
C. Logical Datacenters
D. Cloud Centers
Answer: C
Question: 184
Which three CAPI components must be configured to create a CAPI Extension?
A. CAPI Vendor, CAPI Interface, and CAPI REST API
B. CAPI Product, CAPI Method, and CAPI API
C. CAPI Vendor, CAPI Interface, and CAPI API
D. CAPI Provider, CAPI Interface, and CAPI API
Answer: A
Question: 185
The Azure Resource Manager uses what to organize the cloud resources required to deploy a VM?
A. Resource Pool
B. Storage Account
C. Placement Group
D. Resource Group
Answer: A
/( 48(67,216
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