CCP Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The number of questions in the CCP (Certificate in Child Psychology) exam may vary depending on the certifying organization or program. Typically, the exam consists of multiple-choice or short-answer questions, and the exact number can range from 50 to 100 questions.
- Time: The duration of the exam can vary depending on the organization or program. It is typically between 2 to 3 hours. However, it's important to note that the exam duration may differ depending on the certifying body. It is advisable to check the specific guidelines provided by the certifying organization for accurate and up-to-date information.
Course Outline:
The CCP program is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of child psychology. While the specific course outline may vary depending on the program or organization offering the certification, the following topics are typically covered:
1. Introduction to Child Psychology:
- Overview of child psychology as a discipline
- Theories and approaches in child psychology
- Ethics and professional standards in working with children
2. Child Development:
- Prenatal and early childhood development
- Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development
- Developmental milestones and factors influencing development
3. Psychological Assessment:
- Assessment techniques and tools for evaluating child behavior and development
- Standardized assessments and measures
- Observation and interview techniques
4. Social and Emotional Development:
- Attachment theory and its impact on child development
- Socialization and peer relationships
- Emotional regulation and development of self-identity
5. Learning and Cognition:
- Cognitive development and information processing
- Theories of learning and educational implications
- Language acquisition and communication development
6. Behavioral Issues and Disorders:
- Common behavioral issues in childhood
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other developmental disorders
- Behavioral interventions and treatment approaches
7. Family and Environmental Factors:
- Influence of family dynamics on child development
- Impact of socio-economic factors, culture, and environment on child well-being
- Risk and protective factors in child development
Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CCP exam typically include:
1. Assessing Knowledge: Evaluate the candidate's understanding of child psychology theories, concepts, and principles.
2. Testing Application Skills: Assess the candidate's ability to apply child psychology knowledge to real-world scenarios, such as analyzing case studies or developmental assessments.
3. Evaluating Critical Thinking: Assess the candidate's critical thinking skills in relation to child psychology, including problem-solving, analyzing research findings, and interpreting psychological assessments.
4. Certifying Child Psychology Competencies: Provide a recognized certification for individuals who demonstrate their competence in the field of child psychology, indicating their ability to work effectively with children and families.
Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the CCP may vary depending on the certifying organization or program. The syllabus typically covers the following topics (but is not limited to):
1. Theoretical Foundations:
- Major theories and approaches in child psychology
- Historical perspectives on child development
- Ethical considerations in working with children
2. Child Development:
- Prenatal development and early infancy
- Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development across childhood
- Developmental milestones and factors influencing development
3. Assessment and Evaluation:
- Psychological assessment techniques for children
- Standardized assessment tools for child development
- Observation and interviewing techniques
4. Social and Emotional Development:
- Attachment theory and its impact on child development
- Socialization processes and peer relationships
- Emotional regulation and development of self-identity
5. Learning and Cognition:
Cognitive development and information processing
- Theories of learning and educational implications
- Language acquisition and communication development
6. Behavioral Issues and Disorders:
- Common behavioral issues in childhood and adolescence
- Diagnosis and intervention for disorders like ADHD, ASD, and conduct disorders
- Behavioral and therapeutic approaches for children with behavioral challenges
7. Family and Environmental Factors:
- Influence of family dynamics on child development
- Impact of socio-economic factors, culture, and environment on child well-being
- Risk and protective factors in child development and interventions
It is important to note that the specific topics and depth of coverage may vary based on the certifying organization or program offering the CCP certification. Candidates should consult the official guidelines and materials provided by the certifying body for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
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Certificate in Child Psychology
Question: 68
Wilhelm Wundt, considered the father of experimental psychology, developed
many concepts that became the foundation of structuralism. In 1893, he presented
his tridimensional theory of feeling. Which of the following pairs of feelings is
NOT part of his theory?
A. Excited/depressed
B. Tense/relaxed
C. Pleasant/unpleasant
D. Anxious/content
Answer: D
Anxious and content are not feelings identified in the tridimensional theory of
feeling. This theory posits that feelings can be classified as any of the following:
excited or depressed, tense or relaxed, pleasant or unpleasant. Additionally, any
feeling might contain feelings from any of those three categories.
Question: 69
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), developed by Ellis, is based on the
belief that irrational beliefs are the cause of emotional disturbances. This method
of therapy is based on the ABC model (activating events, beliefs about events,
and consequences of events). Ellis suggests three main insights of REBT. Which
of the following statements does NOT belong to one of those insights?
A. Insight alone rarely enables individuals to resolve emotional disturbance.
B. Irrational beliefs are the main source of emotional disturbance and
C. Individuals will continue to hold onto irrational beliefs as long as they are
D. Confronting and changing irrational beliefs can result in solving emotional
disturbances and avoiding them in the future.
Answer: D
Ellis does not suggest that emotional disturbance can be resolved or cured, so to
speak. Rather, he posits that overcoming such problems requires continual and
energetic work on replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthy thoughts,
confronting and disputing irrational beliefs, and maintaining insight.
Question: 70
Client-centered therapy, a humanistic method developed by Carl Rogers, is based
on the idea that all people have the innate capacity to develop into positive,
healthy beings. What does this model attribute pathology and behavioral problems
A. Negative environmental circumstances
B. Lack of opportunity to learn positive traits
C. Incongruence between true feelings and experience
D. Incongruence between true feelings and the external world
Answer: C
This therapy model assumes that pathology and problems are the result of
incongruence between the self-ones true feelings-and experience, defined as the
ability to be aware of and express those feelings. Client-centered therapy focuses
on the internal processes of the individual rather than environmental factors that
shape those processes.
Question: 71
It has been observed that cyclists tend to have faster racing times when practicing
with a team as compared to practicing alone. What is this phenomenon known as?
A. Social facilitation
B. Shaping
C. Modeling
D. Social influence
Answer: A
Social facilitation refers to the tendency for people to perform better when they
are working with others or being watched; a cyclist practicing in a group will tend
to be faster than when practicing alone.
Question: 72
Studies on the relationship between viewing violence on TV and performing
violence suggest a positive relationship. What theory of aggression do those
findings contradict?
A. Group membership theory
B. Social learning theory
C. Catharsis theory
D. Crowding theory
Answer: C
Catharsis theory of aggression posits that engaging in or viewing an aggressive
act can reduce future aggressive impulses. Viewing violence on TV is thought to
increase aggressive behavior.
Question: 73
Fear, disgust, anger, and contempt are considered __________ emotions.
A. semantic
B. periodic
C. primary
D. secondary
Answer: C
Fear, disgust, anger, and contempt are considered primary emotions. An emotion
is a psychological and physiological state that is associated with our feelings and
thoughts. Primary emotions are those emotions that we experience first and they
are considered to be representative of the full spectrum of human emotions. For
example, people in Ghana and people in America will experience these same
primary emotions.
Question: 74
Which theory of personality refers to children as little scientists?
A. Banduras Social Learning Theory
B. Piagets Stage Theory of Cognitive Development
C. Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory
D. Watsons Behaviorism Theory
Answer: B
The personality theory that refers to children as little scientists is Piagets Stage
Theory of Cognitive Development. Piaget is credited with being the first person to
publicize the idea that children are not less intelligent than adults; they just think
Question: 75
According to Albert Adler, why do some people develop an Inferiority
A. They cant live up to their parents high expectations.
B. They have a genetic predisposition toward this personality trait.
C. They feel guilty about something bad they did.
D. They never overcame their childhood feelings of inferiority.
Answer: D
According to Albert Adler, an inferiority complex arises when people cant
overcome their childhood feelings of inferiority. Every child initially feels inferior
surrounded by powerful adults, but in due time, in the healthy personality, those
feelings go away. For others, subsequent life happenings revive the notion of
inferiority so it persists and intensifies.
/( 48(67,216
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