C9560-503 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam Title :
IBM Certified Associate - Tivoli Monitoring V6.3
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Exam Duration :
90 mins
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Passing Score :
47 / 65
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IBM Tivoli Monitoring Fundamentals
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Pearson VUE
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VCE Practice Test :
IBM C9560-503 Certification VCE Practice Test
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Infrastructure
- Given a basic understanding of IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM), describe ITM and the various components such as IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS), Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS), agents, the data warehouse and event synchronization so that the ITM infrastructure and its functions have been explained.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the most common Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents and their functions so that the functions of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent have been explained.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the TEMS component and its function so that the purpose of the TEMS has been defined.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the TEPS component and its function so that the purpose of the TEPS has been defined.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the TEPS component and its function so that the purpose of the TEPS database has been defined.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the TEP clients so that the TEP client has been defined.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the usage of the data warehouse so that the data warehouse has been defined.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe what the Warehouse Proxy agent (WPA) does, what it monitors and where it can be installed so that the functions of the WPA have been defined.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe what the SPA does, what it monitors and where it can be installed so that the SPA has been defined.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe what the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services is, what platforms it runs on and what basic functions it provides so that the functions of the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services have been explained.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe how ITM is able to forward situation events from ITM to Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, as well as sync updates in Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus back into ITM so that the integration between these products has been defined.
- Given the requirement that operations staff get a console view of all incoming and open alerts from ITM and that the ITM Situation Event Console can handle only a limited number of events in any given period successfully, describe why and when would you choose to implement an external event console so that the purpose of when and why to use an external event console has been defined.
- Given basic operator experience with ITM, explain how application support is the collection of configuration data (workspaces, situations, queries, help, Take Actions, etc.) needed by TEMS, TEPS, and the TEP clients that allows ITM data to be viewed by a user so that application support has been defined.
Using Monitoring Data
- Given the need to perform useful event monitoring, and using the workspaces found within the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP), review the various data elements by which a monitoring agent keeps track of the state of a managed system. Determine the current properties and status of these managed systems, using these data elements (attributes), to determine meaningful criteria for analysis so that appropriate thresholds can be determined and defined in situations.
- Given the need to perform useful event monitoring, state how related attributes are packaged together for ease of use in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) so that attribute groups and their purpose have been defined.
- Given the need of the ITM user to fully understand the data streams within ITM to be able to correctly plan and implement a well performing Monitoring environment, list the data available from ITM and match these with the requirements from the users so that a document with full description of all required monitoring data with their properties is available.
- Given the requirement from the TEP user to have the monitoring data available in a specific format, describe how a TEP view should be adapted to display these data so that the TEP view has been modified and saved.
- Given the requirement to visualize monitoring data on the TEP client according to user requirements, new queries have to be created and used within a View/Workspace so that a new query is now available from the Query selection list.
- Given the requirement of the TEP user to export monitoring data from a TEP view to an external file, describe the actions needed to achieve this so that a new file with monitored data is available from the TEP view.
- Given the requirement from TEP users to visualize monitoring data on the TEP Client in different formats, list the types of views that can be created in a TEP Workspace so that the types of views have been defined.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Usage
- Given basic familiarity with IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 (ITM), describe how individual components are stopped and started on different platforms, using ITM functionality so that the process to stop/start ITM components has been explained.
- Given a basic understanding of ITM, describe the different types of users, including Administrators, Operations, Support teams, and Management so that the users and their roles have been defined.
- Given the need to create a new user, log on to the TEP, create the user and assign the appropriate permissions so that the user ID has been created and is ready for use.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe what a workspace is, what it can display, its properties, what is delivered as default and what can be changed so that workspaces within ITM have been defined.
- Given the need to enable workspace admin mode, log on to the TEP, grant the required permissions to the selected user ID, log on with the changed user ID and enable workspace admin mode so that the workspace admin mode is enabled.
- Given basic ITM knowledge, describe what level of data can be collected, what the options are to limit or increase the amount of data collected so that ITM data collecting options have been defined.
- Given an existing View on the TEP, describe how you can limit the scope of the rows returned from the Query so that a new view has been modified to the requirements of the TEP user.
- Given the user requirement to visualize a specific time frame of monitoring data for a specific server or servers for a specific set of attributes, explain how this time span should be set on the view so that the modified view reflect the new time selection criteria.
- Given the end user requirements for which monitoring data are to be collected, define an attribute group to be collected with its specific settings so that the historical data files will be created at the TEMA or TEMS and data will be sent to the warehouse.
- Given the requirement of TEP administrators to distribute groups of objects (historical configurations and situations) to the same list(s) of systems, use the Object Group Editor to assign these objects in group to managed systems or lists of managed systems so that historical configurations and situations are grouped to the appropriate servers.
- Given the requirement to launch external applications from the TEP client, describe the main features of this function so that the launch feature has been described.
- Given basic operator experience with ITM, describe how a user can navigate to Take Action on a local or remote managed system and then run an Action (either a pre-defined Action or a custom command) so that the use of Take Action has been defined.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Navigation
- Given basic experience with IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 (ITM), explain how the Navigator view provides access to the data that ITM collects via a hierarchical structure (Physical by default, Custom/Logical when defined as needed) so that the functions of the navigator tree have been explained.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe how one can use the Edit Navigator View button from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) client to create a new Navigator View so that the process to create a new Navigator view is defined.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe what a Logical Navigator View is and why it might be used (as opposed to the default Physical Navigator View) so that the use of a Logical Navigator View is understood.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe how a user can navigate from the default workspace to another workspace for the same Navigator item so that the capability to attach multiple workspaces to a single Navigator item is demonstrated.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe how to link workspaces in the TEP client so that navigating to one particular workspace directly from another workspace is illustrated.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Event Management
- Given the need to perform useful event monitoring, and using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) features found in the situation editor, determine how related managed systems are grouped together for ease of replication of common analysis criteria so that when a situation is added or changed, the change is proliferated across all related managed systems, reducing error and providing consistency.
- Given the need to perform proactive event management at times, and using the features provided in the TEP, state reasons why event analysis with alerts is enough (based on a situation), and when there are times that more automated actions are required (based on a policy).
- Given the need to perform proactive event management at times, and using the features provided in the TEP, state reasons why the ITM framework event analysis would be conducted by sampling of data, as opposed to the determination of a pure event so that the difference between pure and sampled events has been defined.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis to reduce business outages, and using the features provided in the TEP, describe the steps at a high level of setting up a situation and assigning it to a managed system so that a situation has been set-up and assigned.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis to reduce business outages, and using the features provided in the TEP, describe how and why one would use the feature 'Situation Persistence' when defining a situation.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis to reduce business outages and to find quick resolutions, using the features provided in the TEP, describe the difference between creating a situation from the situation editor (start from icon), or creating a situation from the navigator tree so that the various ways to create a situation have been described.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis to reduce business outages and to find quick resolutions, using the features provided in the TEP, describe how and why one would use the feature 'Event Acknowledgement', to take ownership of a situation event when it occurs so that the Event Acknowledge feature has been explained.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe how pure and sampled situation events are closed so that the difference between pure events and sampled events is defined.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis, to reduce business outages and to find quick resolutions, using the features provided in the TEP, describe how and why one would need to associate a situation with a navigator item so that how to associate a situation with a navigator item has been defined.
- Given the need to perform event management and analysis to reduce business outages and to find quick resolutions, using the features provided in the TEP, describe how and why one would use the feature 'Expert Advice' when defining a situation so that the Expert Advice feature has been described.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe the differences between reflex automation and workflow automation so that users can distinguish between the two.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe the kind of data that can be used in a situation and displayed in a situation event so that the use of Display Item in situations is defined.
- Given basic familiarity with ITM, describe the function of monitored, statistical, and historical baselines in a data view so that the value of using monitored baselines in a view is understood.
Fundamentals of IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination
- Given basic knowledge of IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 (ITM), describe how a user can determine if a component of the ITM is failing so that a user can determine what may be failing within the ITM architecture.
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IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fundamentals
Answer: B
What is monitored by the Summarization and Pruning agent (SPA)?
A. The run time and completion of the SPA
B. The connection to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
C. The size of the tables being summarized and pruned
D. Availability of space on the disk where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is located
Answer: A
When a permitted user creates a new query, where is this definition saved?
A. on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
B. on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
C. on the local machine of the user but export is possible towards a central location
D. on the same location as the product defined queries if selected before starting the
query creation
Answer: A
What is supplied with each monitoring agent?
A. Attribute Groups
B. Tivoli Data Warehouse reports
C. Universal Agent Data Providers
D. IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNI bus rules
Answer: A
What does the Application Property Installation attribute group provide?
A. Information related to the Event Processing flag
B. Information related to the exported Situation handler
C. Information related to Autonomous agent process tracking
D. Information related to the self-describing agent installation process
Answer: D
What does this command do: tivcmd grant?
A. assigns a new user group in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
B. assigns a new user in the Dashboard Application Services Hub
C. assigns permission to a role in Dashboard Application Services Hub
D. assigns users or groups to a role in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
Answer: C
Which command starts an agent on a Linux platform?
A. tacmd start agent
B. tacmd agent start
C. tacmd agent start
D. tacmd agent launch
Answer: A
From the Situation Editor, how is the Display Item specified in a situation?
A. Go to the Action tab click the Advanced button, and select the Attribute Item to be
the Display Item
B. Go to the Action tab, click the Attribute Substitution button, and select the Attribute
Item to be the Display Item
C. Go to the Formula tab, click the Display Item button, and select the Attribute Item
from the drop-down list to be the Display Item
D. Go to the Formula tab, click the Advanced button, click the Display Item tab, and
select the item from the drop-down list to be the Display Item
Answer: D
What must be configured and distributed to the managed systems that data is being
queried from, to enable the Specify Time Span for Query?
A. Historical Situation
B. Event Integration Facility
C. Historical Data Collection
D. The Until feature on a situation
Answer: C
Which statement is true regarding Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server V6.3 (TEPS)?
A. Oracle is now a supported database for TEPS.
B. Authorization policy enforcement is enabled by default.
C. IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 strongly recommends the upgrade to Java 6.
D. The dashboard data provider is optionally enabled during the TEPS configuration.
Answer: D
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