C9050-042 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam Details for C9050-042 Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I:
Number of Questions: The C9050-042 exam typically consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.
Time Limit: The exam has a time limit of 90 minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes).
Course Outline:
The Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I certification exam focuses on assessing the knowledge and skills required to develop applications using IBM Enterprise PL/I programming language. The course outline covers the following key topics:
1. PL/I Language Fundamentals:
- PL/I syntax and data types
- Variables, constants, and expressions
- Control structures (loops, conditionals, etc.)
- I/O operations and file handling
- Procedures and functions
2. Advanced PL/I Concepts:
- Working with strings and arrays
- Structures and records
- Pointers and dynamic memory allocation
- Error handling and exception handling
- Object-oriented programming in PL/I
3. File Processing and Database Connectivity:
- Sequential and random file processing
- Database connectivity and SQL integration
- Data manipulation and retrieval operations
- Transaction management
4. Debugging and Testing:
- Debugging techniques and tools
- Error handling and exception handling
- Unit testing and test-driven development
- Code coverage and analysis
5. Performance Optimization and Tuning:
- Identifying performance bottlenecks
- Code optimization techniques
- Memory management and efficiency
- I/O performance considerations
- Profiling and performance monitoring tools
Exam Objectives:
The C9050-042 exam aims to assess the following objectives:
1. Understanding of PL/I language fundamentals, syntax, and data types.
2. Proficiency in working with variables, control structures, and I/O operations in PL/I.
3. Knowledge of advanced PL/I concepts such as strings, arrays, structures, and pointers.
4. Competence in file processing, database connectivity, and SQL integration in PL/I.
5. Skills in debugging, testing, and error handling in PL/I applications.
6. Familiarity with performance optimization and tuning techniques for PL/I code.
Exam Syllabus:
The C9050-042 exam covers the following syllabus:
1. PL/I Language Fundamentals
- Syntax and data types
- Variables, constants, and expressions
- Control structures
- I/O operations and file handling
- Procedures and functions
2. Advanced PL/I Concepts
- Strings and arrays
- Structures and records
- Pointers and dynamic memory allocation
- Error handling and exception handling
- Object-oriented programming in PL/I
3. File Processing and Database Connectivity
- Sequential and random file processing
- Database connectivity and SQL integration
- Data manipulation and retrieval operations
- Transaction management
4. Debugging and Testing
- Debugging techniques and tools
- Error handling and exception handling
- Unit testing and test-driven development
- Code coverage and analysis
5. Performance Optimization and Tuning
- Performance bottlenecks identification
- Code optimization techniques
- Memory management and efficiency
- I/O performance considerations
- Profiling and performance monitoring tools
Candidates preparing for the C9050-042 exam should thoroughly study each topic within the course outline, familiarize themselves with the exam objectives, and ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the exam syllabus. It is recommended to refer to official IBM resources, documentation, and practice coding exercises in IBM Enterprise PL/I for effective exam preparation.
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Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I
Requirement Copy a dataset of record length 100 to another dataset.
If the following code does not fulfill the requirement above, which is the most likely
A. The code does not fulfill the requirement because too many records will be written to
the output dataset, except when the input dataset is empty.
B. The code does not fulfill the requirement because the input structure is the same as the
output structure.
C. The code does not fulfill the requirement because the OPEN statements are missing.
D. The code fulfills the requirement.
Answer: A
What happens after executing the following code? DCL OUTFILE FILE RECORD
DO I = 1 TO 10;
A = I; END;
A. 10 records will be written with value 1 to 10.
B. 10 records will be written with first record value undefined.
C. 9 records will be written with value 1 to 9.
D. 9 records will be written with value 2 to 10.
Answer: A
If the PROC name is less than 8 characters, what ENTRY point should be specified for a
PL/I routine which will be FETCHed?
C. The PROC name
D. The PROC name followed by a 1
Answer: C
Given the lollowing declarations, what statement will raise STRINGSIZE condition if
enabled? DCLA_STR CHAR (100) VARYING;
Answer: C
Given the following code, which call will pass a dummy argument? PROG: PROC
A. Call to SUBA
Answer: C
Given the following code, what will happen? DCL(K, L) FIXED DEC (1);
K= 1; L = 2;
A. The output is 12.5.
B. The program ends abnormally at runtime.
C. The resulting value is 6.5.
D. The output is 12.4999999999999.
Answer: B
Given the following declaration for X: DCLX FIXED DEC (3) INIT (123);
If Y is declared as CHAR, what should its minimum length be to preserve the value 123 if
these statements are executed?
Y = X; X =Y;
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: D
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Other Sources
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C9050-042 - Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I tricks
C9050-042 - Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I Actual Questions
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C9050-042 - Developing with IBM Enterprise PL/I syllabus
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