C90-06A Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam: C90-06A Cloud Architecture Lab
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The C90-06A exam is a lab-based exam that focuses on practical skills and hands-on tasks rather than traditional multiple-choice questions.
- Time: The exam duration varies depending on the specific lab scenario, but it typically ranges from 4 to 8 hours.
Course Outline:
The C90-06A Cloud Architecture Lab exam is designed to assess a candidate's ability to apply cloud computing concepts, principles, and practices in real-world scenarios. The exam requires candidates to complete a series of hands-on lab exercises that simulate various cloud architecture tasks and challenges. While the specific lab scenarios may vary, the exam typically covers the following topics:
1. Cloud Computing Concepts:
- Understanding cloud computing principles, models, and deployment options.
- Exploring cloud service models: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
- Understanding virtualization, scalability, elasticity, and multi-tenancy in the cloud.
2. Cloud Infrastructure Design:
- Designing cloud infrastructure components, such as virtual networks, storage, and compute resources.
- Implementing high availability and fault tolerance mechanisms in the cloud.
- Managing security and access controls in a cloud environment.
3. Cloud Application Design:
- Designing cloud-native applications using cloud services and APIs.
- Applying cloud design patterns and best practices.
- Integrating cloud applications with existing systems and services.
4. Cloud Data Management:
- Designing data storage and database solutions in the cloud.
- Implementing data backup, recovery, and replication strategies.
- Ensuring data security and compliance in the cloud.
5. Cloud Migration and Hybrid Architectures:
- Planning and executing cloud migration strategies.
- Designing hybrid cloud architectures that integrate on-premises and cloud resources.
- Managing and optimizing the performance of hybrid cloud environments.
Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the C90-06A Cloud Architecture Lab exam are to assess the candidate's ability to:
1. Apply cloud computing concepts and principles in real-world scenarios.
2. Design and deploy scalable and secure cloud architectures.
3. Design and integrate cloud-native applications and services.
4. Manage and optimize cloud data storage and management.
5. Plan and execute cloud migration strategies and hybrid cloud architectures.
Exam Syllabus:
The specific lab scenarios and tasks in the C90-06A exam are not publicly available. However, candidates can expect to encounter challenges and tasks that require them to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in cloud architecture design, deployment, and management. The exam may involve scenarios related to infrastructure design, application integration, data management, migration planning, and hybrid cloud architectures.
It is important for candidates to review the official exam guide and practice with hands-on exercises and lab simulations to prepare for the exam effectively. Additionally, referring to relevant cloud architecture and best practices documentation, industry whitepapers, and case studies can further enhance the candidate's understanding and readiness for the exam.
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Cloud Architecture Lab
servers between hypervisors within the same cluster. The Direct I/O Access pattern can
then also be applied so that the virtual servers retain their network configurations regardless
of which hypervisor within the cluster they reside on.
C. The Non-Disruptive Service Relocation pattern can be applied to place a secondary copy
of Ready-Made Environment A on Hypervisor B. The Persistent Virtual Network
Configuration pattern can be applied so that virtual servers retain network configurations
when moving to other hypervisors.
D. The Load Balanced Virtual Server Instances and Persistent Virtual Network
Configuration patterns can be applied together to ensure that the virtual servers retain their
network configurations when moving to another hypervisor. The Redundant Storage
pattern can further be applied to move the ready-made environment to another hypervisor
without service impact.
Answer: C
Cloud Service A is installed on Virtual Server A and the database it accesses is located on
Cloud Storage Device A. Both Virtual Servers A and B are hosted by Hypervisor A.
Requests from cloud service consumers are intercepted by an automated scaling listener
that automatically routes subsequent requests to additional instances of Cloud Service A
whenever the given usage of an instance exceeds two concurrent requests.
Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A (1), which either sends a query or a
read/write request to a database on Cloud Storage Device A (2). A usage and
administration portal is available, enabling Cloud Consumer A to view the billing and
usage historyof Virtual Servers A and B (3).
Cloud Service Consumer A and Cloud Consumer A are owned by Organization A. which
performs several tests on the cloud architecture that produce the following results:
? A stress test is performed to generate workloads on Virtual Servers A and B to gauge
their load capacity. This test reveals that both virtual servers have firm workload
thresholds. If the workload capacity on either virtual server reaches its threshold, further
processing requests are rejected.
? An availability test shows that Cloud Service A becomes unavailable whenever
Hypervisor A crashes.
? A security test is carried out during which the cloud architecture is accessed by a
malicious cloud consumer that disables the path used by Cloud Service A to access Cloud
Storage Device A, thereby causing all subsequent cloud service consumer requests to be
replied to with data access errors.
Which of the following statements describes a solution that addresses the concerns raised
by the three tests?
A. The Resource Reservation pattern can be applied to ensure that Virtual Servers A and B
are not accessed by any cloud consumers other than Organization A, thereby enabling their
respective capacity to be maximized. A second hypervisor can be implemented and the
Synchronized Operating State pattern can be applied to emulate the usage of the resource
cluster mechanism with the two hypervisors. This will prevent Cloud Service A from being
affected if one of the hypervisors fails. The Service State Management pattern can be
applied to
establish a secondary cloud storage device that can be accessed by Cloud Service
A whenever Cloud Storage Device A becomes inaccessible.
B. The Elastic Resource Capacity pattern can be applied to enable resources to be assigned
to the virtual servers dynamically. The Hypervisor Clustering pattern can be applied to
avoid jeopardizing the availability of Cloud Service A when its underlying hypervisor fails.
The Multipath Resource Access pattern can be applied to establish an alternative path to
Cloud Storage Device A. Cloud Service A can then be designed to access Cloud Storage
Device A via the alternative path whenever access via the original path fails.
C. The Elastic Resource Capacity pattern can be applied to enable resources to be assigned
to the virtual servers dynamically. The Resource Pooling pattern can be applied to allow
Hypervisor A to be part of a larger hypervisor pool. The Cross-Storage Device Vertical
Tiering pattern can be applied to allow Cloud Service A to access Cloud Storage Device A
via different tiers.
D. None of the above.
Answer: B
Cloud Service A accesses LUN Aon Cloud Storage Device A when it receives requests to
process data from cloud consumers. Cloud Service A is hosted by Virtual Server A. The
usage and administration portal can be used to access and manage the data in Cloud
Storage Device B, which is also hosted by Virtual Server A. Virtual Server A is further
hosted by Hypervisor A, which resides on Physical Server A. Virtual Server B is part of a
virtual server cluster hosted by Hypervisor B. which resides on Physical Server B. Physical
Server C is not in use and does not yet have an operating system installed.
Cloud Service Consumer A sends a request to Cloud Service A (1), which accesses data in
LUN Aon Cloud Storage Device A (2). Cloud Consumer B uses the usage and
administration portal to upload new data (3). The data is placed in LUN B on Cloud
Storage Device B (4).
Cloud Service Consumer A and Cloud Consumer B belong to Organization A, which is
leasing Virtual Server A and Virtual Server B from the cloud provider. Organization A also
proceeds to lease Physical Server C as part of a new laaS agreement it signs with the cloud
Organization A wants to provision Physical Server C with a number of legacy systems that
cannot be deployed on virtual servers. However, when it attempts to do so, it realizes that
its laaS package only provides Physical Server C as an out-of-the-box hardware server
without anything installed on it. In order to deploy its legacy systems Organization A
requires that Physical Server C first has an operating system installed, but it has no means
of remotely provisioning Physical Server C with an operating system.
Organization A would like to deploy two of its legacy systems on Virtual Server A and to
further extend Cloud Service A's functions so that it can be used as an external interface for
cloud service consumers to access legacy system features. Additionally, Organization A
would like to deploy three of its mission-critical legacy systems on Virtual Server B in
order to take advantage of the additional performance and failover benefits provided by the
virtual server cluster that Virtual Server B is part of. Each of the five legacy systems is
comprised of dozens of components that need to be installed individually. Instead of
manually installing each component of each legacy system, Organization A would like to
customize workflows that can automate these deployment tasks.
During the first few months of working with its cloud-based legacy systems. Organization
A receives a number of complaints from users that the cloud-based legacy systems are at
times behaving erratically. However, when cloud resource administrators with
Organization A review the cloud provider's reports that log usage, downtime and other
runtime characteristics, they do not find any indication of erratic behavior or any other
comparable problems. After some further investigation, the cloud resource administrators
determine that the nature of the erratic behavior is specific to proprietary features of the
legacy systems and is therefore not monitored or logged by the cloud provider's standard
audit monitor, pay-per-use monitor or automated scaling listener. The cloud resource
administrators recommend that a new service agent be developed with features customized
to monitor the legacy systems.
Which of the following statements provides a solution that can address Organization A's
A. The Bare-Metal Provisioning pattern can be applied to remotely provision Physical
Server C with the operating system required to deploy the legacy systems. The Automated
Administration pattern can be applied to enable Organization A to create custom scripts
that can carry out the deployment of the legacy system components via the use of an
intelligent automation engine. To provide Organization X with the tools to monitor IT
resource usage and collect usage data so that security breaches and other impacts do not
occur, the Usage Monitoring pattern can be applied to establish the required custom
monitoring functionality.
B. The Bare-Metal Provisioning pattern can be applied to enable Organization A to
provisioning Physical Server C with legacy systems after the operating system has been
installed. The Synchronized Operating State pattern can be applied to consolidate
Organization A's legacy systems via a centralized administration portal from which it can
then automate their deployment. The Automated Administration pattern can be applied to
establish a series of workflow scripts customized to monitor and log proprietary legacy
system behavior.
C. The Rapid Provisioning pattern can be applied to enable Physical Server C to be
remotely provisioned with the operating system and legacy systems. The Centralized
RemoteAdministration pattern can be applied to enable Organization A's employees to
remotely manage and administer legacy system deployment. The Pay-as-You-Go pattern
can be applied to establish the custom monitoring functionality required by Organization
A's legacy systems.
D. None of the above.
Answer: A
Cloud Service A is hosted by Virtual Server A, which is hosted by Hypervisor A on
Physical Server A. Virtual Server B is hosted by Hypervisor B on Physical Server B.
Cloud Service Consumer A accesses Cloud Service A and the request is intercepted by an
SLA monitor (1). Cloud Service A receives the request (2) and accesses Cloud Storage
Device A and Cloud Storage Device B (3).
Cloud Service Consumer A belongs to Organization A, which is leasing all of the IT
resources shown in the figure as part of an laaS environment.
Cloud Storage Device B has a higher performance capacity than Cloud Storage Device A.
Cloud Storage Device C has a higher performance capacity than Cloud Storage Device B.
The requests being received by Cloud Service A from Cloud Service Consumer A have
recently increased in both quantity and in the amount of data being queried, written and
read from Cloud Storage Device A. As a result, Cloud Storage Device A's capacity is
frequently reached and it has become unstable at times, timing out with some requests and
rejecting other requests. Cloud Storage Device C is used by Organization A to store backup
data on a daily basis.
One day, a hardware failure within Cloud Storage Device C results in the permanent loss of
data. Organization A requires a system that will prevent this type of failure from resulting
in data loss.
The cloud provider is planning to implement a routine maintenance schedule for Cloud
Storage Devices A, B, and C and issues a notice stating that the new schedule will start
next week. An outage of 30 minutes every Thursday and Sunday at 8:00 PM is needed for
the maintenancetasks. Upon hearing this, Organization A complains that they cannot afford
to have Cloud Storage Devices A and B become inoperable, especially not during the
Which of the following statements describes a solution that can address Organization A's
A. The Intra-Storage Device Vertical Data Tiering pattern can be applied to enable
dynamic scaling between Cloud Storage Devices A, B and C. The Dynamic Failure
Detection and Recovery pattern can be applied to establish a resilient watchdog system that
is able to respond dynamically to prevent data loss. The Service State Management pattern
can be applied to keep a copy of the data in Cloud Storage Devices A, B and C during the
maintenance outages.
B. The Cross-Storage Device Vertical Tiering pattern can be applied to enable dynamic
scaling between Cloud Storage Devices A, B and C. The Redundant Storage pattern can be
applied by designating Cloud Storage Device D as the secondary storage to which
Organization A's data can be replicated. In order to prevent planned or unplanned outages
from affecting Organization A's data access, the Storage Maintenance Window pattern can
be applied to replicate the data in Cloud Storage Device D for retrieval before the outages
C. The Load Balanced Virtual Switches pattern can be applied to increase the bandwidth of
Physical Server A so that data processing problems within Cloud Storage Device A can be
prevented. The Non-Disruptive Service Relocation pattern can be applied to automatically
relocate Cloud Storage Device A to Physical Server B so that data access is not interrupted.
The Storage Maintenance Window pattern can be applied to replicate the data in Cloud
Storage Device D for retrieval before the outages begin.
D. None of the above.
Answer: B
/( 48(67,216
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