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C1000-143 PDF Sample Questions
C1000-143 Sample Questions
Which access control mechanism is used inIBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps to manage user permissions and privileges?
A. Role-based access control (RBAC)
B. Attribute-based access control (ABAC)
C. Mandatory access control (MAC)
D. Discretionary access control (DAC)
Answer: A
Explanation: IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps utilizes role-based access control (RBAC) as the access control mechanism to manage user permissions and privileges. RBAC allows administrators to assign specific roles to users, and each role comes with a predefined set of permissions and privileges. This approach provides a granular and flexible way to control access to different features, functions, and data within the Cloud Pak, ensuring that users have appropriate access based on their assigned roles and responsibilities.
Question: 2
Which configuration file is used to define the communication endpoints for IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps components?
A. clusterConfig.yaml
B. platformConfig.yaml
C. componentConfig.yaml
D. endpointConfig.yaml
Answer: B
Explanation: The configuration file used to define the communication endpoints for IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps components is the platformConfig.yaml file. This file contains the necessary configuration settings for the various components to communicate with each other within the Cloud Pak deployment. It specifies the endpoints, URLs, and connection details required for seamless integration and collaboration between the components.
Question: 3
Which user role in IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps has the ability to create and manage policies for event filtering and correlation?
A. Administrator
B. Operator
C. Analyst
D. Auditor
Answer: C
Explanation: In IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, the user role with the ability to create and manage policies for event filtering and correlation is the Analyst. Analysts play a crucial role in configuring and fine-tuning the event management capabilities of the platform. They can define rules and policies that control the filtering, correlation, and prioritization of events, ensuring that relevant and actionable events are surfaced to the operators and administrators.
Question: 4
Which action is necessary to enable user authentication using LDAP in IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps?
A. Configure the LDAP server to allow external authentication.
B. Install and configure an LDAP client on the Cloud Pak server.
C. Enable the LDAP authentication option in the Cloud Pak admin console.
D. Import the LDAP server's SSL certificate into the Cloud Pak keystore.
Answer: C
Explanation: To enable user authentication using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) in IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, the LDAP authentication option needs to be enabled in the Cloud Pak admin console. This allows the Cloud Pak to communicate with the LDAP server and authenticate users based on their LDAP credentials. Enabling this option ensures that user authentication is handled by the LDAP server, providing centralized user management and authentication across the organization.
Question: 5
Which statement is true about the installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps?
A. The installation process requires manual configuration of all components.
B. The installation process automatically configures all components without any manual intervention.
C. The installation process allows for selective configuration of components based on specific requirements.
D. The installation process requires a separate installation for each individual component.
Answer: C
Explanation: During the installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, the installation process allows for selective configuration of components based on specific requirements. This means that administrators can choose which components to install and configure, depending on their organization's needs and preferences. This flexibility enables a customized deployment that aligns with the specific use cases and infrastructure of the organization.
Question: 6
What is the purpose of the IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Operations Dashboard?
A. It provides a visual representation of the current system status and health.
B. It offers a real-time view of log data and system events.
C. It allows administrators to configure and manage user access control.
D. It facilitates the installation and configuration of Cloud Pak components.
Answer: A
Explanation: The purpose of the IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Operations Dashboard is to provide a visual representation of the current system status and health. It offers a comprehensive view of the various components and their performance metrics, enabling administrators to monitor the overall health and availability of the Cloud Pak deployment. The Operations Dashboard provides valuable insights into system resources, utilization, and any potential issues or bottlenecks that need attention.
Question: 7
Which statement is true about Event Manager (NOI) in an on-premises installation?
A. Event Manager Components can only be started by using the Installation Manager.
B. Start-up scripts can be created to automatically start the various Event Manager components.
C. Startup GUI can be installed to automatically start the various components.
D. Event Manager components can only be started manually using Linux or Windows commands.
Answer: A
Explanation: In an on-premises installation of Event Manager (NOI) for IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, the Event Manager components can be started using the Installation Manager. The Installation Manager provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing and starting the various components of Event Manager. This allows for easier management and control of the Event Manager components during the installation and operation of the Cloud Pak.
Question: 8
Which component of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps is responsible for anomaly detection and root cause analysis?
A. Event Manager (NOI)
B. Operations Dashboard
C. Data Manager
D. AIOps Insights
Answer: D
Explanation: The component of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps that is responsible for anomaly detection and root cause analysis is AIOps Insights. AIOps Insights leverages advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify anomalous behavior and patterns in the monitored data. It helps operators and analysts pinpoint the root causes of incidents and performance issues, enabling faster and more accurate troubleshooting and problem resolution.
Question: 9
A. ibm-install.log
B. cloudpak-install.log
C. system.log
D. platform.log
Answer: A
Explanation: When troubleshooting issues in IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps, the log file that contains information about the installation process is the ibm-install.log. This log file captures the installation steps, progress, and any errors or warnings encountered during the installation of the Cloud Pak components. Analyzing the contents of this log file can provide valuable insights into the installation process and help diagnose and resolve any installation-related issues.
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