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BluePrism Technical Architect Certification
Question: 71
Which of the following methods would be a valid approach for capturing process execution errors? (Select 3)
A. Calling an external program to send SNMP traps.
B. Logging to event log and collecting via an external tool.
C. Selecting send to external monitoring tool from the Blue Prism process designer.
D. Generating emails from the process.
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 72
What must be considered before operating multiple Runtime Resources on a single Windows desktop?
(Select 1)
A. There are no conditions, only one Runtime Resource can be set to listen per Windows session.
B. Each Runtime Resource must listen on a different port and the processes which run on the device
must not impact other processes on the same device.
C. Each Runtime Resource must listen on the same port and the processes which run on the device must
not impact other processes on the same device.
D. Each Runtime Resource must listen on a different port.
Answer: B
Question: 73
What restrictions should be considered if using XenDesktop for delivery of the Runtime Resources?
(Select 2)
A. Login Agent must be used to initiate the login to the device vs the Citrix Client.
B. Only version 5 of Blue Prism is supported with XenDesktop.
C. Login Agent is only supported from version 7.6 of XenDesktop, due torestrictions on 3rd party
credential provider support prior to this.
D. XenDesktop is not a supported platform for the Runtime Resource.
E. Surface Automation will need to be used for all automations.
Answer: A,C
Question: 74
What should be considered when configuring high availability and disaster recovery scenarios for
availability of Business Processes managed by Blue Prism? (Select 2)
A. Resource pools and Active Queues can be used to distribute work to Runtime Resources which are
B. The Runtime Resources are stateful devices, therefore any failure or maintenance event should also
be taken into account in the process design and scheduling methodology
C. Using a load balancer and 2 application servers will ensure high availability of an automated process
D. Use the setting within a Blue Prism Process to force a process to fail over to an alternative Runtime
Resource in the event of a failure.
Answer: A,C
Question: 75
When is virtualization of a dedicated Interactive Client System most appropriate? (Select 2)
A. Interactive Clients should never be virtualized
B. For Process Development - it helps to ensure the Interactive Client has the same configuration as the
virtualized Runtime Resources
C. Where the developers are geographically separate to the Blue Prism environment
D. To ensure a high-latency connection between the Interactive Client and the Application Server
E. Whenever runtime resources are virtualized
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 76
What security is applied to data that is encrypted by Credential Manager when stored? (Select 1)
A. The credentials are managed by the Windows Credential store and the security applied is proprietary
to Microsoft
B. The credentials are encrypted by the Application Server for storage in the database using either 3DES
or AES-256 and a user generated key
C. The credentials are encrypted by the Application Server for storage in the database using either 3DES
or AES-256 and a secure key hardcoded within the application
D. Credential Management is handled using session variables and security is applied based on the
process logic that is defined.
Answer: B
Question: 77
What should be considered when configuring high availability and disaster recovery scenarios for the Blue Prism
Runtime Resources? (Select 2)
A. Providing high availability for the Runtime Resource will guarantee the SLAs for a business process.
B. External Load balancing solutions may be used to direct connections from a runtime resource to an
appropriate application server.
C. DNS round robin with a low Time to live (TTL) setting may be employed as a simple mechanism for
distributing connections between multiple application servers.
D. Set each Runtime Resource to point to at least 2 application servers in its configuration file.
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 78
What are the primary reasons for regularly backing up Blue Prism production databases (Select 2)
A. To assure performance
B. To maintain the latest copy of live process automations and configuration
C. To maintain an accurate record of the processing history
D. To maintain a copy of the base VM image that is used to generate Runtime Resources
E. To avoid losing the configuration of applications on the Runtime Resources
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 79
What is the difference between a Runtime Resource and a Process? (Select 1)
A. There is no difference, the terms are synonymous
B. A Process represents a definition of the automation steps and logic; Runtime Resources execute the
steps defined within a Process
C. A Process represents a definition of the automation steps and logic; and a Runtime Resource is an
executable containing all of the logic within a single process.
D. A Runtime Resource represents a collection of Processes which is used as part of Release
Answer: B
Question: 80
Why is it important to control remote console access to the Runtime Resources? (Select 1)
A. Because runtime resources are used to control the scheduling of processes
B. Because runtime Resources will always have administrative level access to the Blue Prism database
C. Because Runtime Resources will always have administrative level access to the Blue Prism control
D. Because Runtime Resources will be executing automations, where data may be visible or a transaction could be
manually interfered with
Answer: D
Question: 81
Which of the following statements is true, when considering Virtualizing the Blue Prism Database Server? (Select 1)
A. Virtualization of the database server should only be considered after fully reviewing the specific vendor
recommendations for the Hypervisor and SQL server version
B. The Database server should never be virtualized
C. Virtualization is only supported on Vmware Hypervisor technology
D. Virtualization should be considered only in very small environments
Answer: A
Question: 82
By default what port does a Runtime Resource listen on? (Select 1)
A. 8181 - but it is configurable
B. 8199 - this is fixed and cannot be changed
C. 443
D. There is no default
Answer: A
Question: 83
What should be considered when designing the Network design and placement of Blue Prism components (and the
proximity to target applications)? (Select 4)
A. If runtime resources will be deployed centrally, the outbound network connectivity and latency to the
instrumented applications must be considered.
B. If the runtime resource and application server will be deployed outside of a common Active Directory
network infrastructure, Transport Encryption connection mode must be used to secure the operating
C. A runtime resource can be deployed remotely, and connections secured, even if the runtime is not
within the same Active Directory Network Infrastructure
D. The communication between components requires the ability to resolve the IP address of the target
machine by name
E. If the runtime resource will be deployed remotely to the application server, certificate-based encryption
may need to be considered, as instructional communications are not encrypted by default.
Answer: A,B,C,D,E
Question: 84
Where can the key used by the Credential Manager be stored? (Select 1)
A. The key is always stored in the database
B. The key is always stored within the config file on the Application Server
C. The key can either be stored in the database, in the config file on the Application Server, or in a
separate securable file on the Application Server
D. The key is hard-coded and stored securely within the Application. It is subjected to obfuscation to
ensure it's protection
E. The key can only be stored in the database or in the config file on the Application Server
Answer: C
Question: 85
What is a common way of supporting geographically disparate users of a Blue Prism environment?
(Controllers / Developers)? (Select 1)
A. Provide a high performance MPLS connection between sites
B. Provide virtualized Interactive Clients within the same network as the Blue Prism environment
C. Provide fully replicated Blue Prism environments in each geographic region where users are based
D. Nominate a user in the central location who will receive releases from each remote user and apply
them to the system
Answer: B
/( 48(67,216
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