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Certified API 570 Piping inspectors
Question: 32
What is the minimum holding time of SA-106 Grade B, 1 inch thick material?
A. 2.4 hours
B. 2 hours
C. 1 hour
D. not specified
Answer: C
Question: 33
What is the working pressure of a 150 Ib. flange, SA 350 Gr.LF6 CL 1, used at 400°F?
A. 230 psig
B. 200 psig
C. 170 psig
D. 140 psig
Answer: B
Question: 34
What is the minimum class flange that can be used if the material is SA 351 Gr.C F8C, temperature 950?F and
working pressure is 1930 psig
A. 800
B. 900
C. 1500
D. This material can not be used at this temperature
Answer: C
Question: 35
The preheat zone shall extend beyond each edge of a pipe weld
A. 1
B. 2
C. 2T
D. 3T
Answer: A
Question: 36
What is the root face limitation as listed on the attached WPS and PQR
A. 3/32
B. 1/8
C. No limit
D. Not designated
Answer: D
Question: 37
If the supporting PQR is used, are the P-nos correct on the attached WPS?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Could be if properly preheated
D. Not enough information
Answer: B
Question: 38
Is the thickness range on the WPS supported by the PQR?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Re qualification is required by API 570
D. Re qualification is required by ASME Section V
Answer: B
Question: 39
Is the attached PQR properly qualified?
A. No, because RT is not allowed during PQR qualification
B. No, because there are not enough tensile tests
C. No, because peening is allowed by ASME B31.3
D. Yes
Answer: B
Question: 40
What should have been the correct number and type of guide bends on the PQR?
A. 6 side bends
B. 2 face and 2 root bends
C. 1 side, 1 face and 1 root bend
D. No side bends required
Answer: D
Question: 41
According to API 570, a(n) is a person who assists the inspector by performing specific NDE testing.
A. NDE technician
B. Inspector assistant
C. Level II inspector
D. Examiner
Answer: D
Question: 42
More than one contractor, manufacturer or installer may simultaneously qualify a welder. In such case, each
participating organization shall be represented by during the test.
A. A certified welding inspector
B. A responsible employee
C. The welders supervisor
D. A welding engineer
Answer: B
Question: 43
Which of the following best describes API 574?
A. code
B. Standard
C. specification
D. Recommended practice
Answer: D
Question: 44
The potential for personnel exposure is deemed to be significant in which fluid service?
A. Category M fluid service
B. High pressure fluid service
C. Normal fluid service
D. Category B fluid service
Answer: A
Question: 45
When an injection point circuit for the purpose of inspection is designated, the recommended up stream limit of the
injection point circuit shall be the greater of ?
A. minimum 12 inches
B. maximum 12 inches
C. three pipe diameters
D. both A and C
Answer: D
Question: 46
can cause flame detectors used to indicate a furnace or boiler fire to give false indications on control panels.
A. Welding or related repairs on piping
B. Piping alterations in the shop
C. Ultrasonic inspection
D. Radiographic inspection
Answer: D
Question: 47
After application of a non destructive evaluation technique, any resulting evidence is commonly referred to as
A. A crack
B. porosity
C. a leak
D. an indication
Answer: D
Question: 48
API 570 applies to piping systems for process fluids such as:
A. Firewater
B. Plumbing, sanitary sewers and storm sewers
C. Raw, intermediate, and finished products.
D. Piping systems on trucks, ships and barges
Answer: C
Question: 49
Which of the following applies to socket welds in piping systems?
A. Should be avoided
B. Should be used in all welded piping
C. Should be welded using SAW only
D. Should be avoided where crevice corrosion may occur
Answer: D
Question: 50
Each piece of magnetizing equipment shall be calibrated
A. at the beginning of each shift
B. at least once a year or whenever the equipment has been subject to major electrical repair
C. whenever the technician feels like it
D. at least once every 90 days
Answer: B
/( 48(67,216
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