AP0-001 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Exam: AP0-001 Acme Packet Certification
Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exam consists of approximately 60 multiple-choice questions.
- Time: Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam.
Course Outline:
The Acme Packet Certification course is designed to provide professionals with the knowledge and skills required to configure, deploy, and maintain Acme Packet solutions. The course covers the following topics:
1. Introduction to Acme Packet
- Overview of Acme Packet and its product portfolio
- Understanding session border controllers (SBCs)
- Acme Packet architecture and components
- Navigating and accessing Acme Packet management interface
2. Acme Packet Configuration and Deployment
- Pre-installation planning and requirements
- Installing and configuring Acme Packet devices
- Setting up network interfaces and routing
- Configuring security and access controls
3. Acme Packet Session Management
- Managing SIP sessions and call routing
- Implementing call admission control (CAC)
- Handling NAT traversal and media manipulation
- Configuring session policies and rules
4. Acme Packet Troubleshooting and Maintenance
- Monitoring and troubleshooting Acme Packet devices
- Analyzing logs and diagnostics information
- Performing software upgrades and backups
- Implementing high availability and redundancy
5. Acme Packet Integration and Interoperability
- Integrating Acme Packet with other network elements
- Interoperability with third-party systems
- Implementing SIP trunking and interconnectivity
- Testing and validating Acme Packet deployments
Exam Objectives:
The exam aims to assess candidates' understanding and proficiency in the following areas:
1. Acme Packet fundamentals and product knowledge
2. Configuration and deployment of Acme Packet devices
3. Session management and call routing using Acme Packet
4. Troubleshooting and maintenance of Acme Packet solutions
5. Integration and interoperability with other systems
Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus covers the topics mentioned in the course outline, including:
- Introduction to Acme Packet
- Acme Packet Configuration and Deployment
- Acme Packet Session Management
- Acme Packet Troubleshooting and Maintenance
- Acme Packet Integration and Interoperability
Candidates are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of these topics to successfully pass the exam and demonstrate their proficiency in configuring, deploying, and maintaining Acme Packet solutions.
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Acme Packet Certification
The Net-Net 4000 supports ___________ VLANs per physical interface.
A. 1024
B. 6000
C. 999
D. 4095
Answer: A
Which one of the following statements about H.323 networks is FALSE?
A. The collection of all terminals, gateways, and MCU managed by a single gatekeeper is
known as an Autonomous System (AS).
B. Gateways are not mandatory in an H.323 network.
C. Gatekeepers are not mandatory in an H.323 network.
D. Gateways translate call set-up messages and convert media formats.
Answer: A
Which one of the four statements below about Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is FALSE?
A. SIP provides for resource reservation.
B. SIP works with both IPv4 and IPv6.
C. SIP can run on top of either UDP or TCP as the transport protocol.
D. SIP can be used to invite participants to an already existing session.
Answer: A
In a Net-Net 4000 high availability (HA) architecture, the standby Net-Net 4000 sends ARP
requests using which one of the following?
A. The utility IP address and its hard coded MAC address.
B. The IP address and its hard coded MAC address.
C. The virtual IP address and its virtual MAC address.
D. The utility IP address and the configured virtual MAC address.
Answer: A
Which one of the following statements is TRUE when H245 tunneling is enabled on the
Net-Net 4000. The Net-Net 4000 will ___________ .
A. tunnel signaling messages over the H.245 connection
B. establish a separate TCP connection to tunnel messages
C. tunnel H.245 messages over H.225.0 FACILITY messages
D. support the Generic Tunneling Protocol (GTP) for sending SIP messages over the
H.245 connection
Answer: C
The default baud rate for console connections to the Net-Net 4000 is .
A. 115200
B. 2400
C. 9600
D. 56600
Answer: A
The h245-stage parameter in the H323 stack determines .
A. The stage at which the Net-Net 4000 will start tunneling H.245 messages
B. The point in the call where H.245 messages are allowed, given that the call has been
C. The stage at which the Net-Net 4000 will indicate that a separate H.245 connection must
be opened or will react to an external indication to open a separate H.245 connection
D. The point at which H.245 will appear on stage
Answer: C
Which two of the following statements about network interfaces are FALSE?
A. For each physical interface, you must have at least one network interface with a sub-
port-id of 999.
B. More than one realm can be assigned to a network interface.
C. By configuring the hip-ip-list and icmp-address parameters, you enable the Net-Net 4000
network processor to respond to PING.
D. Network interfaces define a subnet of useable addresses, not necessarily the address that
signaling and media has to be directed to.
Answer: A, C
You have changed a parameter in the realm-config element and have issued the done
command. The change has now been committed to the configuration.
A. saved
B. active
C. edited
D. running
Answer: C
Which two the following Best Current Practice configuration models would be used to
provide complete topology hiding by re-writing the From and To headers of a SIP message?
A. Policy Based Realm Bridging
B. SIP-NAT Bridging
C. Header Manipulation Rule Bridging
D. Session Agent Bridging
Answer: B, C
To enable the Net-Net 4000 to provide next hop signaling load balancing, which two of the
following licenses must be installed?
A. session agent group
B. load balancing
C. routing
D. local policy
Answer: B, C
Upon issuing the done command, you get an Error 409. What does this error indicate?
A. The element you are creating is corrupted.
B. The element you are trying to save doesn't exist.
C. You are trying to create an element with a unique identifier that already exists.
D. There is an internal server error.
Answer: C
Examine the output below from the network interface configuration.
When the Net-Net 4000 does not get an ARP response from the device configured as its
gateway in the configured retry time period, it will__________.
A. send traffic to the device configured in the sec-gateway field
B. decrement its health score to 50 which may result in a failover to the standby
C. use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to determine a new default gateway
D. use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to the host(s) instead of the primary
Answer: B
In a high availability (HA) scenario, a node has a state of becoming Standby". This state
indicates ___________.
A. a transitory state as the active node initially moves to becoming the standby node.
B. the standby node is out of service.
C. the standby node is taking the active role.
D. the active node is out of service.
Answer: A
You configure the _________ and _____________ elements to use the Net-Net 4000 to
perform load balancing between two downstream SIP proxies.
A. realm steering pool
B. local policy session agent group
C. session router session router group
D. proxy proxy pool
Answer: B
Steering pools are realm specific, and by limiting the number of __________ provide
constraints on the number of concurrent RTP sessions allowed on the Net-Net 4000.
A. UDP ports
B. slots
C. IP addresses
D. Realms
Answer: A
/( 48(67,216
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