ACSM-GEI Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
This exam content outline is based on a Job Task Analysis (JTA) for the ACSM Certified Group
Exercise Instructor® (GEI). The JTA describes what an ACSM GEI does on a day-to-day basis
and is divided into four domains and associated tasks performed on the job. As you prepare
for your exam, it is important to remember that all exam questions are based on these
domains—making it a perfect addition to your preparation materials! In fact, when you receive
your test scores, your performance in each domain is scored individually so you can see
exactly where you excelled and/or where you may need additional preparation. Using this in
combination with other optional study materials will ensure you are ready for exam day
Domain I Participant and Program Assessment 10%
Domain II Class Design 25%
Domain III Leadership and Instruction 55%
Domain IV Legal and Professional Responsibilities 10%
A. Evaluate and establish participant screening procedures to optimize safety and minimize risk by reviewing assessment protocols based on ACSM standards and guidelines.
Knowledge of: • appropriate techniques for health history assessment.
• ACSM standards and guidelines related to pre-participation health history assessment.
• ACSM pre-participation screening questionnaire related to screening of class participants.
Skill in: • determining the adequacy of a facilitys current pre-participation procedures.
• developing and implementing pre-participation screening procedures.
B. Administer and review, as necessary, participants health risk to determine if preparticipation assessment is needed prior to exercise using PAR-Q, ACSM pre-participation health screening or other appropriate tools.
Knowledge of: • the use of informed consent and medical clearance prior to exercise participation.
• ACSM guidelines related to pre-participation screening procedures.
• ACSM risk stratification categories to aid in pre-participation screening (i.e., low, moderate, high risk).
• important health history information (e.g., past and present medical history, orthopedic limitations, prescribed
medications, supplements, activity patterns, nutritional habits, stress and anxiety levels, family history of heart
disease and other chronic diseases, smoking history, use of alcohol and illicit drugs, etc).
Skill in: • determining when to recommend medical clearance.
• administering pre-participation screening questionnaire.
• determining risk stratification category by evaluating screening questionnaire.
• making appropriate recommendations based upon the results of screening questionnaire.
C. Screen participants, as needed, for known acute or chronic conditions to providerecommendations and/or modifications.
Knowledge of: • common medical conditions and contraindications to group exercise participation.
• risk factors, signs and symptoms, physical limitations and medical conditions that may affect or preclude class
• appropriate criteria for NOT starting or stopping a participant from exercising.
Skill in: • determining health status of group exercise class participants prior to each class.
• determining when to recommend medical clearance.
• making recommendations based on results of pre-exercise health status determination.
A. Establish the purpose and determine the objectives of the class based upon the needs of the participants and facility.
Knowledge of: • methods used to determine the purpose of a group exercise class (e.g., survey, focus group, inquiry, word of
mouth, suggestion box).
• types of group exercise classes (e.g., land-based, water-based, equipmentbased).
• types of equipment used in group exercise settings.
• participant characteristics such as health, fitness, age, gender, ability.
• health challenges and/or special needs commonly encountered in a group exercise setting.
• environmental factors as they relate to the safe participation (e.g., outdoor, indoors, flooring, temperature,
space, lighting, room size, ventilation).
• the types of different environments for group exercise such as outdoor, indoors, flooring, temperature, space,
lighting, room size, ventilation and need to potentially adapt that environment.
B. Determine class content (i.e., warm-up, stimulus and cool-down) in order to create an effective workout based upon the objectives
of the class.
Knowledge of: • the physiology of warm-up, stimulus and cool-down.
• the FITT principle (i.e., frequency, intensity, time and type) for developing and/or maintaining cardiorespiratory
• training principles (e.g., specificity, adaptation, overload).
• different training formats (e.g., continuous, circuit, interval, progressive classes such as 4-6 week sessions).
• exercise modification to most appropriately meet the needs of the class participants.
• different teaching styles (e.g., formal, authoritarian, facilitator, nurturer).
• different learning styles (e.g., auditory, visual, kinesthetic).
• the use of music in group exercise.
Skill in: • applying FITT principles (i.e., frequency, intensity, time, type) to class design.
• organizing the warm-up, stimulus and cool-down.
• planning a class for participants with health challenges and special needs.
• planning a class based on exercise environment and available equipment.
• applying various styles of learning to most effectively meet the objectives of the class.
C. Select and sequence appropriate exercises in order to provide a safe workout based upon the objectives of the class.
Knowledge of: • a variety of exercises used during warm-up, stimulus and cool-down.
• variety of exercises to meet the needs of participants with different skill and fitness levels.
• cardiovascular training principles and techniques.
• muscular conditioning principles and techniques.
• flexibility training principles and techniques.
Knowledge of:
• motor fitness components (e.g., balance, agility, speed, coordination).
• the principles of muscle balance (e.g., flexion/extension, agonist/antagonist).
• exercise progression (e.g., easy/hard, slow/fast).
• health challenges and/or special needs commonly encountered in a group exercise setting.
• risks associated with various exercises.
• the benefits and use of music in class design.
Skill in: • the selection and application of music given class purpose and objectives.
• selecting and sequencing exercises to maintain muscle balance, minimize risk to the participants and modify
for those with health challenges and special needs.
• designing transitions between exercises.
D. Rehearse class content, exercise selection and sequencing and revise as needed in order to provide a safe and effective workout
based upon the purpose and objectives of the class.
Knowledge of: • the purpose of class rehearsal.
• proper execution of exercises and movements.
• verbal and non-verbal cueing techniques for the purpose of providing direction, anticipation, motivation and
• a variety of class environments (e.g., outdoor, indoors, flooring, temperature, space, lighting, room size,
ventilation) and associated adaptations that may be required.
Skill in: • demonstrating exercises and movements.
• the application of music, if used, given class purpose and objectives.
• modifying class design based on rehearsal trial and error.
• applying teaching styles (e.g., formal, authoritarian, facilitator, nurturer).
• applying verbal cueing techniques for the purpose of providing direction, anticipation, motivation and safety.
• applying non-verbal cueing techniques (visual, directional).
• corresponding movements to music phrase and/or counts during selected exercises or segments.
A. Prepare to teach by implementing pre-class procedures including screening new participants and organizing equipment, music
and room set-up.
Knowledge of: • equipment operation (e.g., audio, exercise equipment, facility).
• the procedures associated with determining the health status of group exercise class participants prior to each
• class environment (e.g., outdoor, indoors, flooring, temperature, space, lighting, room size, ventilation).
Skill in: • determining health status of group exercise class participants prior to each class.
• time management.
• delivering pre-class announcements (welcome, instruction, safety, participant accountability).
• operating sound equipment.
• evaluating and adapting, if needed, environment to maximize comfort and safety.
B. Create a positive exercise environment in order to optimize participant adherence by incorporating effective motivational skills,
communication techniques and behavioral strategies.
Knowledge of: • motivational techniques.
• modeling.
• appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior.
• group behavior change strategies.
• basic behavior change models and theories (e.g., stages of change, self-efficacy, decisional balance, social
learning theory).
• the types of feedback and appropriate use.
• verbal (voice tone, inflection) and non-verbal (body language) communication skills.
Skill in: • applying behavior change strategies.
• applying behavior change models and theories.
• applying communication techniques (verbal and non-verbal/body language).
• fostering group cohesion.
• interacting with class participants.
• providing positive feedback to class participants.
• projecting enthusiasm, energy and passion.
• applying techniques addressing various styles of learning.
C. Demonstrate all exercises using proper form and technique to ensure safe execution in accordance with ACSM standards and
Knowledge of: • basic human functional anatomy and biomechanics.
Knowledge of:
• basic exercise physiology.
• basic ergonomic principles.
• proper alignment, form and technique.
• high-risk exercises and movements.
Skill in: • demonstrating proper alignment, form and technique.
• demonstrating exercise modifications.
• correcting improper form and/or technique.
D. Incorporate verbal and nonverbal instructional cues in order to optimize communication, safety and motivation based upon
industry guidelines.
Knowledge of: • anticipatory, directional, educational, motivational, safety, tactile and visual cueing techniques.
• proper participant performance.
Skill in: • applying anticipatory, directional, educational, motivational, safety, tactile, and visual cues.
• monitoring participants performance.
• instructing participant how to correct their own exercise execution and/or form.
E. Monitor participants performance to ensure safe and effective exercise execution using observation and participant feedback
techniques in accordance with ACSM standards and guidelines.
Knowledge of: • safe and effective exercise execution.
• the rationale for exercise intensity monitoring.
• exercise intensity monitoring methods and limitations.
• exercise programming (e.g., mode, intensity, frequency, duration).
• the signs and symptoms of overexertion.
• proper exercise demonstration techniques.
• proper feedback techniques (i.e., visual and auditory).
• normal and adverse response to exercise.
• appropriate criteria for NOT starting or stopping a participant from exercising.
Skill in: • safe and effective exercise execution.
• monitoring exercise intensity in class participants.
• recognizing signs and symptoms of overexertion.
• applying the principles of exercise programming (e.g., mode, intensity, frequency, duration).
• teaching participants how to monitor and modify their own exercise intensity.
• proper exercise demonstration techniques.
• proper feedback techniques (i.e., visual and auditory).
F. Modify exercises based on individual and group needs to ensure safety and effectiveness in accordance with ACSM standards and guidelines.
Knowledge of: • cardiovascular response to various environmental conditions.
• how aerobic, strength and flexibility exercise modifications affect intensity and safety.
• various exercise safety and intensity modification techniques (e.g., tempo, range of motion, alternate
movements, load).
• a variety of exercises for any particular muscle group, from easiest to hardest.
• the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendations for exercise during
Skill in: • modifying exercise execution and intensity based on environmental conditions.
• modifying aerobic, strength and flexibility exercise intensity based on environmental condition, individual and/
or group needs.
• applying exercise intensity modification techniques (e.g., tempo, range of motion, alternate movements, load).
G. Monitor sound levels of vocal and/or audio equipment following industry guidelines.
Knowledge of: • appropriate vocal projection techniques.
• the value of vocal warm-up.
• vocal warm-up techniques.
• safe volume level.
• group exercise sound projection technology (e.g., microphones, amplifiers, speakers).
Skill in: • the application of appropriate vocal projection techniques.
• the application of group exercise sound projection equipment (e.g., microphones, amplifiers, speakers).
H. Respond to participants concerns in order to maintain a professional, equitable and safe environment by using appropriate
conflict management or customer service strategies set forth by facility policy and procedures and industry guidelines.
Knowledge of: • conflict prevention.
• basic conflict resolution techniques.
• communication techniques as it relates to conflict resolution (e.g., active listening, mirroring, reflection).
• specific club policies regarding conflict management and your role in application of policies.
Skill in: • applying conflict resolution techniques.
• applying empathetic listening skills.
• selecting the appropriate resolution.
I. Educate participants in order to enhance knowledge, enjoyment and adherence by providing health and fitness related information
and resources.
Knowledge of: • basic human functional anatomy and biomechanics.
• basic exercise physiology.
• basic human development and aging.
• the basic principles of weight management and nutrition.
• motivational techniques used to promote behavior change in the initiation, adherence or return to exercise.
• benefits and risks of exercise.
• basic ergonomic principles.
• stress management principles and techniques.
• healthy lifestyle practices and behavior.
• credible, current and pertinent health-related information.
• risk factors which may require referral to medical or allied health professionals prior to exercise.
Skill in: • accessing available health and exercise-related information.
• delivering health and exercise-related information.
• referring participant to appropriate medical or allied health professional when warranted.
A. Evaluate the class environment (e.g., outdoor, indoor, capacity, flooring, temperature, ventilation, lighting, equipment, acoustics)
to minimize risk and optimize safety by following pre-class inspection procedures based on established facility and industry
standards and guidelines.
Knowledge of: • ACSM facility standards and guidelines.
• established regulations and laws (e.g., Americans with Disabilities Act, CDC, OSHA).
• the procedures associated with determining the health status of group exercise class participants prior to each
Skill in: • evaluating classroom environment.
B. Promote participants awareness and accountability by informing them of classroom safety procedures and exercise and intensity options in order to minimize risk.
Knowledge of: • components that contribute to a safe environment.
• safety guidelines as it relates to group exercise.
Skill in: • communicating safety precautions before and during class.
• observing compliance with instructions provided to participants.
• cueing to reinforce safety precautions during class.
C. Follow industry-accepted professional, ethical and business standards in order to optimize safety and reduce liability.
Knowledge of: • appropriate professional behavior and boundaries pertaining to class participants.
• the ACSM code of ethics.
• the scope of practice of an ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor.
• standards of care for an ACSM Certified Group Exercise Instructor.
• informed consent, assumption of risk and waivers.
• established and applicable laws, regulations and policies.
• bounds of competence.
• established and applicable laws, regulations and policies.
• confidentiality, privacy laws and practice.
• insurance needs (e.g., professional liability, general liability insurance).
• basic business principles (e.g., contracts, negligence, types of business entities, tax business structure,
advertising, marketing).
Skill in: • applying professional behavior and in maintaining appropriate boundaries with class participants.
• applying the ACSM code of ethics.
Skill in (continued): • assuring and maintaining the privacy of all group exercise participants and any pertinent information relating
to them or their membership.
D. Respond to emergencies in order to minimize untoward events by following procedures consistent with established standards of
care and facility policies.
Knowledge of: • Adult CPR.
• automated external defibrillator (AED).
• basic first aid for accidents, environmental and medical emergencies (e.g., heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat
stroke, lacerations, incisions, puncture wounds, abrasions, contusions, simple/compound fractures, bleeding/
shock, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, sprains, strains, fainting).
• the standard of care for emergency response (e.g., incident reporting, injury assessment, activating emergency
medical services).
• the Emergency Action Plan, if applicable, for the fitness facility.
• unsafe or controversial exercises.
Skill in: • activating emergency medical services.
• administering CPR.
• administering an AED.
• administering basic first aid for exercise-related injuries, accidents, environmental and medical emergencies
(e.g., assessment, response, management of class or environment).
• documenting incidents and/or emergencies.
• selecting exercises that are not controversial or high risk.
E. Respect copyrights to protect original and creative work, media, etc. by legally securing copyright material and other intellectual
property based on national and international copyright laws.
Knowledge of: • copyright laws (e.g., BMI, ASCAP).
• fair use of copyright material.
Skill in: • acquiring appropriate copyrighted materials and music.
F. Engage in healthy lifestyle practices in order to be a positive role model for class participants.
Knowledge of: • healthy lifestyle practices.
• lifestyle behavior change strategies (cognitive and behavioral).
• appropriate modeling behaviors (e.g., non-threatening, motivating).
• risks associated with overtraining.
• body image concepts and perceptions.
• risks associated with the female athlete triad.
• referral practices to allied health professionals.
Skill in: • applying healthy lifestyle practices.
• communicating healthy lifestyle information.
• personalizing behavioral strategies to class participants.
• recognizing the symptoms of overtraining.
• referring participants to appropriate allied health professionals when necessary.
• identifying issues/behavior related to unhealthy body image and making appropriate referrals.
G. Select and participate in continuing education programs that enhance knowledge and skills on a continuing basis, maximize
effectiveness and increase professionalism in the field.
Knowledge of: • continuing education requirements for ACSM certification.
• continuing education resources (e.g., conferences, workshops, correspondence courses, on-line, college/
university-based, journals).
• credible, current and pertinent health-related information.
Skill in: • obtaining relevant continuing education.
• applying credible, current and pertinent health related information when leading the class.
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Certified Group Exercise Instructor
Question: 63
The human body adapts to exercising in the heat by increasing plasma volume,
decreasing core temperature, decreasing heart rate, and increasing the rate of
sweating. How soon do these changes occur?
A. 1-2 days
B. 3-4 days
C. 5-7 days
D. 9-14 days
Answer: D
Adaptations to exercising in the heat can take place as early as 9-14 days after the
beginning of acclimation. An increase in the body"s plasma volume occurs first,
followed by a decrease in both core temperature and heart rate. Lastly, the body
learns to sweat more. The wise Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) will cue
participants to drink more fluids and dress appropriately (loose fitting clothing, no
cotton, light colors) especially during the early phase of adaptation.
Question: 64
Group Fitness Instructors who suggest use of closed chain exercises during their
sessions are taking advantage of WHICH exercise principle?
A. Co-contraction of the agonist and antagonist muscle groups produces
compression of the joint
B. Co-contraction of the agonist and antagonist muscle groups produces shear of
the joint
C. Isolated contraction of a single muscle group produces compression of the joint
D. Isolated contraction of a single muscle group produces shear of the joint
Answer: A
Group Fitness Instructors who choose to use closed chain exercises during their
sessions are taking advantage of the fact that a closed-chain exercise tends to
produce joint compression instead of shear. Consider the squat versus the (open
chain) seated knee extension. In the open chain knee extension exercise, as the
foot moves forward in space pulled by the quadriceps, the tibia tends to shear or
translate forward on the femur, producing joint stress. In contrast, during a squat,
the contraction of the quadriceps is balanced by a protective contraction of the
hamstrings and the tibia does translate forward during the movement.
Question: 65
The Group Fitness Instructor is responsible for providing the most effective
workout in the shortest time. Which three triceps exercises have been shown to
elicit the GREATEST muscle activity?
A. The triangle pushup, dip and triceps kickback
B. The traditional pushup, dip and lying barbell triceps extension
C. The triangle pushup, closed-grip bench press and bar push-down
D. The traditional pushup, bar push-down and rope push-down
Answer: A
The triangle pushup is currently considered the gold standard for generating
triceps activity, however, ACE-sponsored research has showed that dips and
triceps kickbacks are nearly as effective. Essentially all three exercises could be
used interchangeably, reports ACE researcher Brittany Boehler, B.S. The closed
grip bench press, bar push-down, rope push-down and lying barbell triceps
extension all produce significantly less muscle activity in the triceps.
Question: 66
The term concussion BEST describes:
A. An injury to the brain, with immediate life-threatening repercussions
B. An injury to the brain caused during a sports event
C. An injury to the brain caused by anoxia
D. An injury to the brain caused by impact, resulting in change to mental status
Answer: D
In order for the term concussion to be used, the injury must not be immediately
life-threatening and there must be some change in mental status. The term
concussion is not specific to sports injury, although it has been getting a lot of
press lately due to the National Football League"s new regulations for the brain-
injured athlete. A concussion is also not merely an injury to the brain caused by
impact.. Typical signs of mental impairment may include: loss of consciousness,
faulty short-term memory (for instance, asking the same questions repeatedly);
drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, blurry or double vision, tinnitus, headache and
Question: 67
Leaving the club, you observe a woman being clipped by a car in the parking lot.
The victim is standing and shows no signs of external trauma, but over the next 5
minutes, she turns pale, with clammy skin, and her pulse becomes weak and
irregular. Which of the following is NOT a good idea while waiting for the EMS
to arrive?
A. Lay her down on the ground
B. Cover her with a blanket or other warm item
C. Keep her head elevated to keep her awake
D. Elevate her legs 8-12
Answer: C
If a victim is suffering from internal bleeding, you do not want her head to remain
elevated. She should be placed on the ground gently (unless there are signs of
neck trauma, in which case, she should not be moved) and covered with a warm
blanket to help her thermo regulate. If there are no signs of lower extremity
trauma, her legs should be elevated 8-12 to help return blood flow to the critical
regions, the chest and head. It is important to realize that she can go into
hypovolemic shock quickly, which can be fatal, even in the absence of external
signs of injury.
Question: 68
Your facility just launched a new aerobic fitness initiative. For the kick-off, they
offered members a standardized method to estimate their VO2max without the
risks commonly associated with maximal exercise testing. Which of the following
would LEAST likely have been chosen as a test for assessing submaximal aerobic
A. YMCA sub maximal step test
B. McArdle step test
C. Timed up and go (TUG) test
D. Rockport fitness walking test (1-mile walk)
Answer: C
The timed up and go (TUG) test is a risk assessment test commonly used by
physical therapists; it assesses a client"s fall potential, not aerobic fitness level. In
contrast, both the YMCA and McArdle step tests do test submaximal fitness, each
by assessing heart rate after participants step onto a box (15 and 16.5
respectively), at a given pace, for 3 minutes. In the Rockport walking test,
participants perform a timed 1 mile walk on a smooth, level surface. A score is
then formulated based on the time it took to complete the mile, the heart rate after
completion, and the rating of exertion perceived during the walk.
Question: 69
Viscosity refers to the property of bodily tissues which allows the tissues to resist
loads. Which factors are MOST LIKELY to alter viscosity?
A. Strength and muscle mass
B. Time and temperature
C. Muscle mass and gender
D. Strength and nutrition
Answer: B
Viscosity is dependent on both time and temperature, which is why it is important
for the Group Fitness Instructor to observe how well participants warm-up before
participating in vigorous physical activity. An adequate warm-up will reduce
viscosity, increase tissue extensibility, and decrease the risk of injury. Proper
feedback can motivate and encourage the participant to take the time to properly
prepare the body for exercise and not to see it as wasted exercise time.
Question: 70
The rotator cuff - often mispronounced as rotor cuff -- is comprised of a group
of muscles that are BEST known to work in harmony to:
A. Depress the head of the humerus into the glenoid fossa during shoulder
B. Elevate the head of the humerus into the inferior aspect of the acromion during
shoulder elevation
C. Provide normal scapulo-humeral rhythm during shoulder adduction
D. Work in concert with the upper trapezius to elevate the entire shoulder
complex (e.g. a shrugging motion)
Answer: A
The rotator cuff complex - comprised of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres
minor, and subscapularis muscles - has as its chief function the job of depressing
the humeral ball down into the shallow socket (known as the glenoid fossa)
of the shoulder joint. Without a sufficient rotator cuff, the shoulder girdle loses its
capacity for normal kinematics. As the arm is elevated, the humerus rolls upward
and rams into the underside of the acromion. This results in a greatly reduced
ability to elevate the shoulder without hiking the entire shoulder complex.
/( 48(67,216
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User: Irene*****![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Initially, I was unsure if I would pass my acsm-gei exam and almost gave up. However, I decided to register at for exam coaching just a week before the exam. To my surprise, the topics that I usually avoided studying became interesting, and I eventually passed with flying colors thanks to Questions and Answers. |
User: Tatiana*****![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Although it is believed that a student must possess sharp thoughts to excel in the ACSM-GEI exam, it is not entirely true. The educator or teacher must also be well-qualified and informed. I feel blessed that I met such wonderful educators at who taught me how to pass my ACSM-GEI exam and helped me breeze through it. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. |
User: Ignace*****![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Preparing for the ACSM-GEI exam can be a daunting task, and you will most likely fail without proper guidance. This is where e-book comes in handy. It provides you with all the essential information and enhances your learning, giving you a good chance of passing the ACSM-GEI exam and getting into any university. I prepared through this extraordinary program and scored 42 out of 50 marks. I can assure you that it will not let you down. |
Question: How much time I need to spend on ACSM-GEI test prep? Answer: It is up to you. You can pass your exam within the shortest possible time. If you are free and you have more time to study, you can prepare for an exam even in 24 hours. But we recommend taking your time to study and practice ACSM-GEI practice test until you are sure that you can answer all the questions that will be asked in the actual ACSM-GEI exam. Visit and register to download the complete question bank of ACSM-GEI exam test prep. These ACSM-GEI exam questions are taken from actual exam sources, that's why these ACSM-GEI exam questions are sufficient to read and pass the exam. Although you can use other sources also for improvement of knowledge like textbooks and other aid material these ACSM-GEI questions are sufficient to pass the exam. |
Question: How much hardworking required to pass ACSM-GEI exam? Answer: If you are a good reader and memorize questions well, you need not do much hardworking. Go to and download the complete question bank of ACSM-GEI exam test prep after you register for the full version. These ACSM-GEI questions are taken from the actual ACSM-GEI exam, that's why these ACSM-GEI exam questions are sufficient to read and pass the exam. Although you can use other sources also for improvement of knowledge like textbooks and other aid material these ACSM-GEI questions are sufficient to pass the exam. We recommend taking your time to study and practice ACSM-GEI practice test until you are sure that you can answer all the questions that will be asked in the real ACSM-GEI exam. |
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Question: Are these questions/answers of ACSM-GEI legal? Answer: As far as legality is concerned, it is your right to use any book or questions to improve your knowledge. These ACSM-GEI questions and answers are to the point knowledge source about the exam topics. |
Question: Afraid of failing ACSM-GEI exam? Answer: You are afraid of failing the ACSM-GEI exam because the exam contents and syllabus keep on changing and there are several un-seen questions included in the ACSM-GEI exam. That causes most candidates to confuse and fail the exam. You should go through the killexams ACSM-GEI practice test and do not afraid of failing the exam. |
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