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A4Q Certified Selenium Tester Foundation Certification
Question: 109
Which of the following statements is true about test automation metrics?
A. Meaningful test automation metrics should be established quickly
B. Meaningful test automation metrics are the same no matter the size of the project
C. Meaningful test automation metrics are simply comparing relative test effort for manual versus automated tests
D. Meaningful test automation metrics are part of demonstrating business value
Answer: D
Meaningful test automation metrics are part of demonstrating business value. Test automation metrics provide a
quantitative way to measure the success of the test automation process, helping to identify areas where it is working
well and areas where it could be improved. These metrics can be used to demonstrate the value of test automation to
stakeholders, such as by showing the cost savings and increased productivity it can provide. Common test automation
metrics include test execution time, test coverage, defect detection rate, and the cost of maintaining test scripts
Question: 110
Consider the following test steps;
Which of the following function signatures is the best for keyword implementing test step number 1 ?
A. def login ():
B. def login_with_admin_credentials () :
C. def login(username, password) :
D. def create_user (username, user_email, password)
Answer: C
This function signature is the most concise and clear, and allows for the username and password to be passed to the
function as parameters. This will allow for the login process to be automated without having to hardcode the username
and password into the function.
Question: 111
Which of the following methods can find an element by its class name? Select two options
A. find__element__by__css__selector
B. find.__element__by__id.
C. find_ element_bY_xpath
D. find_element_by_tag_name
E. find_element_by_partial_link_text
Answer: A,D
The correct methods for finding an element by its class name are A. findelementbycssselector and D.
findelementbytagname. The findelementbycssselector() method can be used to locate an element by its class name,
while the findelementbytagname() method can be used to locate an element using the tag name of the element (such as
'div', 'span', 'a', etc).
Question: 112
Which of the following BEST explains how Selenium fits within the test automation architecture?
A. Selenium supports designing test cases
B. Selenium interfaces with the SUT
C. Selenium supports implementing test cases
D. Selenium is a tool, not part of the test automation architecture
Answer: B
Selenium interfaces with the System Under Test (SUT) to interact with it and run tests on it [1]. Selenium is a tool that
is used to automate web browsers, which allows testers to create automated tests to verify the functionality of the SUT.
It helps to reduce the need for manual testing and allows testers to test multiple browsers quickly and efficiently.
Selenium is a software tool that is used for automating web browsers. It interfaces with the System Under Test (SUT)
by interacting with the web browser and the web application that is being tested. Selenium uses a set of APIs that
allow you to control the browser and interact with elements on the web page, such as buttons, text fields, and links. By
automating the browser and interacting with the web application in the same way that a user would, Selenium can be
used to automate functional tests, regression tests, and other types of tests.
Question: 113
What is the correct sequence of standard Python log levels from lowest to highest?
Answer: D
According to the official Python guide, the standard Python log levels from lowest to highest are DEBUG, INFO,
WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL. These log levels are used to denote the severity of a log message, with
DEBUG being the lowest level and CRITICAL being the highest. Each log level includes all the lower levels, so a
message at the WARNING level will also be logged at the INFO and DEBUG levels.
Question: 114
What is a test hook?
A. A tool that provides an environment for test automation
B. A tool to automate comparison of actual results with expected results
C. A customized software interface that enables automated testing of a System Under Test (SUT)
D. The degree to which tests can be designed and executed
Answer: C
A test hook is a software interface that enables automated testing of a System Under Test (SUT). It is used to interact
with the SUT, for example, by sending inputs and receiving outputs, in order to verify its behavior. A test hook can be
customized to suit the specific needs of the SUT and the tests being performed.
Question: 115
What will be the output of the execution of following piece of code?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 116
Which of the following snippets of code would allow you to open a browser window and go to the python web site
using WebDriver with Python bindings?
A. driver = webdriver Chrome()
get('HTTPS //www python com)
B. driverwebdnver Chrome()
driver refresh('HTTPS://www_python com')
C. driver = webdriver Chrome()
driver.get('HTTPS://www.python com')
D. driver webdriver Chrome(HTTPS://www python com)
Answer: C
The correct answer is C. driver = webdriver Chrome() driver.get('HTTPS://www.python com') This code snippet will
open a browser window and navigate to the Python website using WebDriver with Python bindings.
logging Logging facility for Python Python 3.11.1 documentation https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html
logging - When to use the different log levels - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2031163/when-to-
Enable diagnostics logging - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-
Question: 117
Your web application uses a framework that creates dialogs using templates such that "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are
reused by multiple dialogs The dialogs are complicated, with many buttons and other elements. You are allowed to
make changes to the source code to help in testing
Which of the following is the BEST approach for locating the Cancel button in one specific dialog?
A. Add a unique class name to the button and locate it within a loaded dialog
B. Add a unique ID to the button and locate it within a loaded dialog
C. Use the absolute XPath for the button for the loaded dialog
D. Use the link text for the button to locate it within a loaded dialog
Answer: A,B
The best approach to locate the Cancel button in a specific dialog is to add a unique class name to the button and use it
to locate the button within the loaded dialog. This approach is more reliable than using absolute XPath, which can
become invalid if the structure of the page changes, or link text, which may not be unique. Additionally, using a
unique class name allows you to reuse the button in multiple dialogs and makes your code more maintainable.
Question: 118
What is the technical debt of a project?
A. The cost of hardware taken into account in the project budget
B. The cost of additional work in the project due to defects and inefficiencies in code and project design
C. The acronym of "directly evaluating binary testing"
D. The cost of implementation of keywords in Keyword Driven Testing, which is to be performed by technical tester
Answer: B
The technical debt of a project is the cost of additional work in the project due to defects and inefficiencies in code
and project design. Technical debt can be created by taking shortcuts during the development process, such as using
quick and dirty solutions to complete tasks quickly. This can lead to code that is difficult to maintain, as well as issues
with scalability and performance.
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