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Cisco Renewals Manager (CRM)
Question: 73
Which strategy contributes to the successful renewal of service contracts?
A. Offer discounts
B. Communicate product performance,pricing,and position
C. Lock in revenue streams through co-termination
D. Discount multi-year service agreements
Answer: B
Question: 74
When renewing a contract with a customer,which action is important?
A. Start discussions once the contract has expired
B. Propose only the most important part of the solution
C. Validate customers business needs.
D. Do not offer any financing solutions.
Answer: C
Question: 75
Which statement regarding which tools can be added as value to customer and partners is invalid?
A. Adoption scores which provide insight into how well customers are utilizing service and software they purchase
B. Trusted Data Source for Hardware Refresh and Software renewal insights
C. Help manage Discounts for Quoting
D. Gain insight into new and unique business prospects for your customers and expand sales potential
Answer: C
Question: 76
Which action should a Renewals manager take first?
A. Meet and confirm the am,css,csm and their resources
B. Meet the customer and perform a renewals diagnosis
C. Assign an RS to priority accounts
D. Download contract data and develop a renewals strategy
Answer: D
Question: 77
Which statement best describes the success plan?
A. The blueprint for account teams to achieve customer success
B. A tool for reporting actions to management
C. A shareable document that captures all account activities
D. A document capturing a comprehensive view of all customer health scores
Answer: A
Question: 78
Which critical task must be performed during the qualification phase?
A. Renewal plan development
B. Validate customer inventory
C. Quote delivery
D. Develop a success plan
Answer: D
Question: 79
Which action can a renewals manager take to drive value in the account?
A. Align partners on training
B. Define the account forecast
C. Manage and mitigate renewal risk
D. Removing adoption barriers
Answer: C
Question: 80
What is the Cisco definition of a Reusable Non-Standard Discount(RNSD)?
A. A discount applied to refurbished or reused Cisco hardware that includes service contracts.
B. A discount applied to Cisco products and/or service list pricing and for a continual or ongoing basis
C. A limited time discount applied to Cisco products and/or serices
D. A priority discount applied to third-party products for perpetuity.
Answer: B
Question: 81
Which statement best describes an Ask the Expert session?
A. A 24-7 phone line providing expert advice
B. A pre-recorded webinar from an expert
C. A one on one coaching engagement covering specific use cases
D. A hosted educational webinar with live expert Q and A
Answer: D
Question: 82
Which licensing model represents the highest value?
A. Pay as you go
B. Transactional
C. Enterprise Agreements
D. Subscription
Answer: D
Question: 83
During which activity of the renewal process would an RM provide an appropriate co-termination timeframe and gain
required internal approvals?
A. Proposal build
B. Billing
C. Deal strategy
D. Quote delivery
Answer: A
Question: 84
What is the primary measurement of success for a Renewals Manager?
A. Iarr rate
B. Renewal success rate
C. Upsell percentage
D. Percentage of contracts closed
Answer: B
Question: 85
Which service offering assists the customer in preparing for emerging industry trends?
A. Trending Technical
B. Advisory
C. Managed
D. Training
Answer: D
Question: 86
Which success indicator for a Renewals manager is valid?
A. New product introductions
B. On-time renewal
C. Stabilized customer satisfaction scores
D. Increased deployment of licenses
Answer: B
Question: 87
Which service offering helps define the customer's IT vision and strategy?
A. Optimization
B. Support
C. Training
D. Advisory
Answer: D
/( 48(67,216
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Other Sources
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