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LPIC-3 Virtualization and Containerization
Question: 1
Which file in acgroupdirectory contains the list of processes belonging to thiscgroup?
A. pids
B. members
C. procs
D. casks
E. subjects
Answer: C
Question: 2
Which of the following are true regarding the CPU of a QEMU virtual machine? (Choose two.)
A. The CPU architecture of a QEMU virtual machine is independent of the host system's architecture.
B. Each QEMU virtual machine can only have one CPU with one core.
C. For each QEMU virtual machine, one dedicated physical CPU core must be reserved.
D. QEMU uses the concept of virtual CPUs to map the virtual machines to physical CPUs.
E. QEMU virtual machines support multiple virtual CPUs in order to run SMP systems.
Answer: A,E
Question: 3
Ifdocker stackis to be used to run a Docker Compose file on a Docker Swarm, how are the images referenced in the
Docker Compose configuration made available on the Swarm nodes?
A. docker stack builds the images locally and copies them to only those Swarm nodes which run the service.
B. docker stack passes the images to the Swarm master which distributes the images to all other Swarm nodes.
C. docker stack instructs the Swarm nodes to pull the images from a registry, although it does not upload the images to
the registry.
D. docker stack transfers the image from its local Docker cache to each Swarm node.
E. docker stack triggers the build process for the images on all nodes of the Swarm.
Answer: C
Question: 4
Which of the following resources can be limited by libvirt for a KVM domain? (Choose two.)
A. Amount of CPU lime
B. Size of available memory
C. File systems allowed in the domain
D. Number of running processes
E. Number of available files
Answer: A,B
Question: 5
What is the purpose of the commandvagrantinit?
A. It executes a provisioning tool in a running box.
B. It starts a Vagrant box.
C. It creates a Vagrant configuration file.
D. It installs Vagrant on a Linux host.
E. It downloads a Vagrant box.
Answer: C
Question: 6
What does IaaS stand for?
A. Information as a Service
B. Intelligence as a Service
C. Integration as a Service
D. Instances as a Service
E. Infrastructure as a Service
Answer: E
Question: 7
Virtualization of which hardware component is facilitated by CPUs supporting nested page table extensions, such as
Intel Extended Page Table (EPT) or AMD Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI)?
A. Memory
B. Network Interfaces
C. Host Bus Adapters
D. Hard Disks
E. IO Cache
Answer: A
Question: 8
Which of the following statements about the commandlxc-checkpointis correct?
A. It creates a clone of a container.
B. It doubles the memory consumption of the container.
C. It only works on stopped containers.
D. It writes the status of the container to a file.
E. It creates a container image based on an existing container.
Answer: D
Question: 9
After creating a new Docker network using the following command:
docker network create --driver bridge isolated_nw
Which parameter must be added todocker createin order to attach a container to the network?
A. --eth0=isolated_nw
B. --alias=isolated_nw
C. --ethernet=isolated_nw
D. --network=isolated_nw
E. --attach=isolated_nw
Answer: D
Question: 10
What LXC command starts a new process within a running LXC container? (Specify ONLY the command without any
path or parameters.)
Answer: D
Question: 11
Which of the following tasks are part of a hypervisors responsibility? (Choose two.)
A. Create filesystems during the installation of new virtual machine quest operating systems.
B. Provide host-wide unique PIDs to the processes running inside the virtual machines in order to ease inter-process
communication between virtual machines.
C. Map the resources of virtual machines to the resources of the host system.
D. Manage authentication to network services running inside a virtual machine.
E. Isolate the virtual machines and prevent unauthorized access to resources of other virtual machines.
Answer: C,E
Question: 12
How can data be shared between several virtual machines running on the same Linux-based host system?
A. By writing data to the file system since all virtual machines on the same host system use the same file system.
B. By mounting other virtual machines' file systems from /dev/virt-disks/remote/.
C. By setting up a ramdisk in one virtual machine and mounting it using its UUID in the other VMs.
D. By using a network file system or file transfer protocol.
E. By attaching the same virtual hard disk to all virtual machines and activating EXT4 sharing extensions
on it.
Answer: D
Question: 13
How does Packer interact with system images?
A. Packer has to be installed within the target image and is executed during the image's first boot in order to execute
preparation tasks.
B. Packer installs a client within the image which has to be run periodically via cron in order to retrieve the latest
template from the Packer server and apply it locally.
C. Packer periodically connects through the network to the Packer daemons of all running Packer images in order to
re-apply the whole template to the running instance.
D. Packer downloads and extracts an image in order to make changes to the image's file system, repack the modified
image and upload it again.
E. Packer creates an instance based on a source image, prepares the instance through a network connection and
bundles the resulting instance as a new system image.
Answer: E
Question: 14
Which functionality is provided by Vagrant as well as by Docker? (Choose three.)
A. Both can share directories from the host file system to a guest.
B. Both start system images as containers instead of virtual machines by default.
C. Both can download required base images.
D. Both can apply changes to a base image.
E. Both start system images as virtual machines instead of containers bv default.
Answer: A,C,D
Question: 15
Which directory is used bycloud-initto store status information and configuration information retrieved from external
A. /var/lib/cloud/
B. /etc/cloud-init/cache/
C. /proc/sys/cloud/
D. /tmp/.cloud/
E. /opt/cloud/var/
Answer: A
Question: 16
Which of the following kinds of data cancloud-initprocess directly from user-data? (Choose three.)
A. Shell scripts to execute
B. Lists of URLs to import
C. ISO images to boot from
D. cloud-config declarations in YAML
E. Base64-encoded binary files to execute
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 17
Which statement is true regarding the Linux kernel module that must be loaded in order to use QEMU with hardware
virtualization extensions?
A. It must be loaded into the kernel of the host system only if the console of a virtual machine will be connected to a
physical console of the host system
B. It must be loaded into the kernel of each virtual machine that will access files and directories from the host system's
file system.
C. It must be loaded into the Kernel of the host system in order to use the visualization extensions of the host system's
D. It must be loaded into the kernel of the first virtual machine as it interacts with the QEMU bare metal hypervisor
and is required to trigger the start of additional virtual machines
E. It must be loaded into the kernel of each virtual machine to provide Para virtualization which is required by QEM
Answer: C
Question: 18
Which of the following commands executes a command in a running LXC container?
A. lxc-accach
B. lxc-batch
C. lxc-run
D. lxc-enter
E. lxc-eval
Answer: A
Question: 19
What is the purpose of the packer inspect subcommand?
A. Retrieve files from an existing Packer image.
B. Execute commands within a running instance of a Packer image.
C. List the artifacts created during the build process of a Packer image.
D. Show usage statistics of a Packer image.
E. Display an overview of the configuration contained in a Packer template.
Answer: E
Question: 20
Which command within virsh lists the virtual machines that are running on the current host?
A. I view
B. list-vm
C. list
D. show
E. list-all
Answer: C
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Other Sources
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