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VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Professional
Question: 10
The Supervisor Service in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid exposes three layers of controllers to manage the lifecycle of a
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster.
Which layer of controllers is correct?
A. Virtual Machine Service, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and Cluster API
B. Authentication webhook. Container Storaqe Support, Cloud Provider Implementation
C. Aria integration Service, Tanzu Cluster API and Tanzu Container Network Controller
D. VMware Tanzu Mission Control Connection agent. Cluster API and Kubernetes Connection Agent
Answer: A
Question: 11
Which two Kubernetes Service types are fulfilled natively by Kubernetes without requiring external integrations?
(Choose two.)
A. ExternalName
B. Ingress
C. LoadBalancer
D. NodePort
E. ClusterIP
Answer: A,D,E
Question: 12
What is the Kubernetes component that is responsible for workload creation?
A. API Sep/er
B. Scheduler
C. etcd
D. Kubelel
Answer: D
Question: 13
Which two methods can be used to install Fluent Bit on a VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster? (Choose two.)
A. Install Fluent Bit using Tanzu CLI login plugin
B. Install Fluent Bit using VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Installer Interface
C. Install Fluent Bit from VMware Tanzu Mission Control
D. Install Fluent Bit from VMware vSphere Client
E. Install Fluent Bit using Tanzu CLI package plugin
Answer: A,C,E
Question: 14
Which two resources can External DNS create records for? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual machines
B. Kubernetes pods
C. Kubernetes services
D. Kubernetes nodes
E. Contour HTTP Proxy
Answer: A,C,E
Question: 15
What is the correct resource hierarchy order in VMware Tanzu Mission Control?
A. Root -> Cluster Groups -> Clusters
B. Organization -> Cluster Groups -> Namespaces
C. Organization -> Clusters -> Cluster Groups
D. Organization -> Cluster Groups -> Clusters
Answer: D
Question: 16
Which set of tools can be used to attach a Kubernetes cluster to VMware Tanzu Mission Control?
A. Tanzu CLI and VMware vSphere Web Ul
B. Tanzu CLI and VMware Tanzu Mission Control Web Ul
C. kubectl and VMware vSphere Web Ul
D. kubectl and VMware Tanzu Mission Control Web Ul
Answer: B
Question: 17
A Tanzu Mission Control administrator would like to enforce the following container controls:
- Only allows container images that match the specified names or tags.
- Ensure that the container image is not tampered with.
Which type of policy can be used?
A. Access
B. Security
C. Image Security
D. Image Registry
E. Network
Answer: C
Question: 18
An administrator was requested to create a pod with two interfaces to separate the application and management traffic
for security reasons.
Which two packages have to be installed in VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster to satisfy the requirement?
(Choose two.)
A. multus
B. external-dns
C. cert-manager
D. qrafana
E. contour
Answer: A,E
Question: 19
Which kinds of objects does the Kubernetes RBAC API declare?
A. CloudPolicyObject
B. Role, ClusterRole, RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding
C. Container type and Container object
D. ClusterObject and ClusterNode
Answer: B
Question: 20
Which statement describes how VMware Tanzu Mission Control and VMware Aria Operations for
Applications integrate?
A. An administrator can enable VMware Aria Operations for Applications using the integrations tab in VMware Tanzu
Mission Control.
B. VMware Aria Operations for Applications is enabled by default in VMware Tanzu Mission Control.
No integration is required.
C. An administrator can login to VMware Aria Operations for Applications and enable VMware Tanzu Mission
Control integration from the administration menu.
D. An administrator can download and install the VMware Aria Operations Observations agent from Tanzu CL
Answer: A
/( 48(67,216
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Other Sources
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